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#1 Re: Open Discussion » Affiliate programs??? » 2011-10-03 12:33:59

Personally i never go back to sites that only have short videos. I wonder why anyone would ever pay for videos when anything can be found free, maybe rich people would rather just get full memberships, and niche people with a serious hard on, but again any niche material is freely available too...

#2 Re: Modifications » flag submited not appearing & flagging not function since url change » 2011-10-03 12:22:07

OK FIXED, i had hand coded url in a section in header.tpl from my previous mods.

Thanks for your help

#3 Re: Modifications » flag submited not appearing & flagging not function since url change » 2011-10-03 07:43:21

re-checked and get:

reference to undefined property d.ajaxSettings.traditional
http://www.mySite/templates/defult-pink … 5.2.min.js

reference to undefined property e[t]
http://www.mySite/templates/defult-pink … 5.2.min.js

It was workin fine before url change, that's what messed it up

#4 Re: Modifications » flag submited not appearing & flagging not function since url change » 2011-10-03 07:15:27

Actually this this time even the flag panel would not open in FIREFOX
I checked firebug Error console:
reference to undefined property this.tabMap[panelName]
chrome://firebug/content/firefox/bindings .xml

Here is the bindings .xml page:

it specially highlighted the line:

return this.tabMap[panelName];

I want to post whole bindings.xml but i get a kind of refusal from your forum system

#5 Open Discussion » Affiliate programs??? » 2011-10-03 01:09:55

Replies: 5

Would love to know what you think about affiliate programs.
From the millions of tubes out there who the hell would ever pay for porn videos anymore?
I imagine that the live cams and viagra would make better affiliates because they are something else than videos.

#6 Re: Feature Requests » mass embed time limits option » 2011-10-03 01:02:07

Coscast--> don't sponsor videos usually suck because their like 2 minutes long?

#7 Modifications » flag submited not appearing & flagging not function since url change » 2011-10-03 00:55:04

Replies: 5

I just noticed that the video flagging is not working anymore, was working before i switched site url.
The flag menu opens ok but the 'SUBMIT FLAG'' doesn't work, 'video flagged' pop up does not appear and admin video>manage>flagged is always empty.
I added new mass embed and have new videos and 'flag' option is also not working for new videos.

Know how i can heal this?

#8 Re: Modifications » error message for thumb even if admin preview good » 2011-10-03 00:50:30

that was on the most recent page, but it would do the same everywhere, like from category section and others...

#9 Re: Troubleshooting » Embeding causing temporary error » 2011-10-03 00:46:21

i get this when clicking thumbs to watch it. The video plays in the admin preview no problem.
I will try what you advised me.

#10 Modifications » error message for thumb even if admin preview good » 2011-09-17 20:44:00

Replies: 4

Thumb galleries showing thumbs ok, few thumbs when clicked give permanent error:

Query: SELECT v.video_id, v.title, v.slug, v.rating, v.rated_by, v.duration, v.thumb, v.thumbs, v.total_views, v.add_time, v.ext, u.username FROM video AS v LEFT
JOIN user AS u on (u.user_id = v.user_id) WHERE v.video_id IN ()
Error Message: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 5
Error Number: 1064

So i logged into admin panel and did search by title to erase video and saw that preview video shows good working video, although there is error instead of video play page video play good in admin preview???

#11 Feature Requests » mass embed time limits option » 2011-09-17 20:17:56

Replies: 3

Would be nice to ask script to mass embed videos with time limits, example 5minutes and longer or what ever...

#12 Re: Troubleshooting » Embeding causing temporary error » 2011-09-17 19:10:35

maybe i clicked a video under related, anyways it was giving an error also directly from category section and new videos section, yes using sphynx.

I think a solution--> IF it exists to set admin panel to approve videos before displaying them on site so i could give it some time before letting them show?

#14 Modifications » video_search.tpl.php a different header.tlp path than others? Js added » 2011-09-08 06:17:42

Replies: 2

I have added some custom Javascript in header.tpl ,works on all page except video_search.tlp, so video_search.tlp maybe need different paths to files
or using different header(don't think so).

Know why video_search.tlp is so fussy? What to modify in file path?

<script type="text/javascript" src="../../../scripts/custom.js"></script>

#15 Re: Troubleshooting » RESOLVED--->half full pages after deleting many videos » 2011-09-06 21:05:16

Actually it fixed itself but it took a few minutes ?

#16 Troubleshooting » RESOLVED--->half full pages after deleting many videos » 2011-09-06 21:01:07

Replies: 2

I deleted many embeded videos and there is left many half full pages. pagination has 10 pages left but pages are half full  even on page 1 and 2 etc.
Looks like script keeps old page templates and does not refresh to accomodate new page set up.


#17 Troubleshooting » Embeding causing temporary error » 2011-09-03 13:53:39

Replies: 5

When ever do run 'mass embed' always get error message for few initial hours for fresh embeds.
New thumbs appear immediately and good but do not play, instead get this error message which lasts
a few minutes, after few hours all is good. This bad from user perspective, gives errors.

Query: SELECT v.video_id, v.title, v.slug, v.rating, v.rated_by, v.duration, v.thumb, v.thumbs, v.total_views, v.add_time, v.ext, u.username FROM video AS v LEFT JOIN user AS u on (u.user_id = v.user_id) WHERE v.video_id IN ()
Error Message: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 5
Error Number: 1064

At worst how can i display a "Video available in few minutes" message instead of getting an ugly error page

#18 Re: Troubleshooting » Modifying to make a full page of 'recently watched' » 2011-08-31 12:41:10

Yes the mysql query code, can you please tell me what to write instead for the mysql query code?
(That's what i was actually asking in the first post in section ...THIS IS CODE THAT POPULATES VIDEOS THUMBS, that the part that must be modified right? )

PS:will use bbcode next time

#19 Re: Troubleshooting » Modifying to make a full page of 'recently watched' » 2011-08-31 03:10:18

That was a sample code of the frontpage.tlp  with slider you started( trying to finish it with somebody in my city)
I wanted to fill the slider with 'watched' videos instead of 'new videos' that way it will always have fresh thumbs.
Will that work if i use that code from 'watched' and put it in frontpage.tpl ?

That page with watched you mentioned above is generated by  video_browse.tlp if i remember

I suppose i have to make sure the <span clas="videoOptions" > is on 'Being watched' by default

HOW do i do that?

<span class="videoOptions">
<a href="<?php echo RELATIVE_URL,'/recent/"'; if ($this->order == 'recent'): echo ' class="active"'; endif; echo '>',__('recent'); ?></a> &middot;
<a href="<?php echo RELATIVE_URL,'/longest/"'; if ($this->order == 'longest'): echo ' class="active"'; endif; echo '>',__('longest'); ?></a> &middot;
<a href="<?php echo RELATIVE_URL,'/popular/"'; if ($this->order == 'popular'): echo ' class="active"'; endif; echo '>',__('popular'); ?></a> &middot;
<a href="<?php echo RELATIVE_URL,'/watched/"'; if ($this->order == 'watched'): echo ' class="active"'; endif; echo '>',__('being-watched'); ?></a>


Otherwise on default scriptpro frontpage.tpl template there is code for those 2 rows of of 'recently watched' seems to be different:
Looks like use different method to appear?

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#refresh").click(function(e) {
$("#content-watched-videos").load("<?php echo RELATIVE_URL; ?>/ajax/?s=watched");

<div id="right" class="width-760">
<div class="content-box">
<h4 class="content-box-title"><?php echo __('watched-title'); ?></h4>
<a href="<?php echo RELATIVE_URL; ?>/video/watched/" id="refresh" class="content-box-refresh"><?php echo __('refresh'); ?></a>
<div id="content-watched-videos" class="content clear">
<?php if ($this->watched):
echo p('adv_square', 'frontpage-watched');
foreach ($this->watched as $video): ?>
<div id="video-<?php echo $video['video_id']; ?>" class="video">
<a href="<?php echo RELATIVE_URL,'/',$video['video_id'],'/',prepare_string($video['title'], true); ?>/" title="<?php echo e($video['title']); ?>">
<img src="<?php echo THUMB_URL,'/',$video['video_id'],'/',$video['thumb']; ?>.jpg" alt="<?php echo e($video['title']); ?>" id="preview-video-<?php echo $video['video_id'].'-'.$video['thumb'].'-'.$video['thumbs']; ?>-watched" /><br />
<h5><?php echo e(VText::truncate_chars($video['title'], 50)); ?></h5>
<?php if ($video['ext'] == 'mp4'): ?><img src="<?php echo TPL_REL; ?>/images/hd.png" class="watermark" alt="" /><?php endif; ?>
<span class="duration"><?php echo date('i:s', (int) $video['duration']); ?></span>
<div class="rating_bar"><div style="width:<?php echo round($video['rating']*20); ?>%"></div></div>
<span class="timeline clear"><?php echo VDate::nice($video['add_date']); ?></span>
<span class="views"><?php echo $video['total_views'],' '; if ($video['total_views'] == '1'): echo __('view'); else: echo __('views'); endif; ?></span>
<div class="clear"></div>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<div class="clear-left"></div>
<?php else: ?>
<div id="no-watched-videos" class="none"><?php echo __('no-watched'); ?></div>
<?php endif; ?>

#20 Troubleshooting » Modifying to make a full page of 'recently watched' » 2011-08-30 15:20:14

Replies: 4

This code from frontpage.tpl creates a full page of videos 'most recent '.
Can you please modify it to populate page with  'recently watched' instead of 'most recent'

<?php defined('_VALID') or die('Restricted Access!'); ?>
<div id="pageFrontpage">
<?php if ($this->errors): ?>
<div class="errors">
<?php foreach ($this->errors as $error): echo e($error),'<br />'; endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; if ($this->messages): ?>
<div class="messages">
<?php foreach ($this->messages as $message): echo e($message),'<br />'; endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<div ><?php echo __('recent-title'); ?></div>
<div class="content">
<?php if ($this->videos): ?>


<div class="items">
<?php foreach ($this->videos as $video): ?>
<div id="video-<?php echo $video['video_id']; ?>" class="video">
<a href="<?php echo RELATIVE_URL,'/',$video['video_id'],'/',$video['slug']; ?>/" title="<?php echo e($video['title']); ?>" target="_top">
<img src="<?php echo THUMB_URL,'/',path($video['video_id']),'/',$video['thumb']; ?>.jpg" alt="<?php echo e($video['title']); ?>" id="preview-video-<?php echo $video['video_id'].'-'.$video['thumb'].'-'.$video['thumbs']; ?>" /><br />
<h5><?php echo e(VText::truncate_chars($video['title'], 50)); ?></h5>
<span class="duration"><?php echo VDate::duration($video['duration']); ?></span>
<div class="clear"></div>
<?php endforeach; ?>


<div class="clear-left"></div>
<div class="clear"></div>
<?php else: ?>
<div class="none">No videos yet!</div>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php echo p('adv', 'frontpage-bottom'); ?>

#22 Troubleshooting » Can i keep track of embeded pages somewhere? » 2011-08-26 10:39:57

Replies: 1

Is there a place in DB where i can read the embed pages i added (to avoid duplicates).

#23 Troubleshooting » can i add categories without having to upload an image everytime? » 2011-08-26 09:49:15

Replies: 2

I want to add categories, but not have to upload an image everytime,
I actually would like to get rid of that page, the categories side menu i plenty good.
Can i erase that page somehow and categories still work?

#24 Troubleshooting » Can you explain 'Category SEO Properties' panel » 2011-08-26 09:44:28

Replies: 2

What do they all do and are helpful for?

Meta Title:
Meta Description:
Meta Keywords:

#25 Re: Troubleshooting » Search not working well in IE (sphynx installed) » 2011-08-23 23:56:25

i went to many internet coffee in my city  to verify ie7, ie8, and this problem is recurring often in ie,it only works sometimes, i also tested some other members scriptpro sites and its the same thing in ie, i have posted a thread in sphinx forums to ask them about results that indicate: no results for ''! in ie,
its like the field was blank...there is obviously a weakness there, it works always 100% everywhere in firefox

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