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#1 Re: Documentation » [HOWTO] Install Sphinx for Adult Script Pro » 2011-07-14 22:11:19

@Sebo1992 : Forgot to add you need to 'yum install libsphinxclient' . By installing this you'll get the matching sphinxapi.php (which will be installed in /usr/share/doc/libsphinxclient-

#2 Re: Documentation » [HOWTO] Install Sphinx for Adult Script Pro » 2011-07-14 01:00:20

Hey Guys! I bought ASPro a couple of weeks ago and I just got around installing Sphinx. I just spent a couple of hours having fun figuring out why it didn't return results. Symptoms are no error message in ASPro and no logged queries in Sphinx. Turns out that on CentOS, the version installed by yum is old and is not compatible with the (newer) version that ASPro expects. You can either install the most recent Sphinx version OR go the lazy route (which I did). Simply do:

cd /path/to/your/domain (if you're not already at the root of your domain)
cd libraries/sphinxapi
mv sphinxapi.php sphinxapi.php.orig
cp /usr/share/doc/libsphinxclient- .

That's it. As far as I can tell it works just as good at the one provided with ASPro.

If your Sphinx-provided sphinxapi.php is located somewhere else, you can find it:
find / -name sphinxapi.php -ls

Have fun!

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