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#1 Re: Modifications » Change from flowplayer to jwplayer » 2011-11-09 07:36:57

can you send confing file to

#4 Re: Troubleshooting » Pagination All Pages Display » 2011-11-06 08:32:22

no still doesnt work

left code on website for you to take a look

#6 Re: Troubleshooting » Pagination All Pages Display » 2011-11-06 07:40:55

Awesome thanks!
how can I make it go into 2 or 3 more rows because it doesnt fit in page layout front page

when there is like 40 pages its fine

#7 Troubleshooting » Pagination All Pages Display » 2011-11-05 07:54:48

Replies: 5

I am trying to edit the pagination to show all available pages because there is an error showing pages with no videos
file is pagination.plugin.php

Only been able to get it to show 1 2 3 Next

how can I make it show all without the "..."

#8 Re: Modifications » Change from flowplayer to jwplayer » 2011-11-05 03:29:27

Line 79 - 213 so random and seems to cut off codes....

please help and I do not know what the cdata embed code here is

#9 Re: Modifications » Change from flowplayer to jwplayer » 2011-11-05 03:18:00

When I follow exact methods Nothing shows up for player at all
I think its the config.php the original is this

define('_VALID', true);
require 'config_common.php';

$access        = VF::cfg_item('');
if ($access != 'all' && !VAuth::group($access)) {
    die('Access denied (never reached)!');

$video_id     = (isset($_GET['id'])) ? (int) $_GET['id'] : 0;
if ($video_id === 0) {
    die('Invalid video id!');

$cache        = VF::factory('cache');
$db            = VF::factory('database');
$cache_id    = 'video_player_'.$video_id;
$sql_add    = (VModule::enabled('premium')) ? " AND premium = '0'" : '';
if (!$video = $cache->get($cache_id, 86400)) {
    $db->query("SELECT v.video_id, v.old_video_id, v.user_id, v.title, v.url, v.server,
                       v.allow_embed, v.ext, v.sponsor,
                       GROUP_CONCAT(c.cat_id) AS categories
                FROM #__video AS v
                INNER JOIN #__video_category AS c ON (c.video_id = v.video_id)
                WHERE v.video_id = ".$video_id."
                AND v.status = 1".$sql_add."
                GROUP BY c.video_id
                LIMIT 1");
    if ($db->affected_rows()) {
        $video = $db->fetch_assoc();
        $cache->store($cache_id, $video, 86400);

if (!$video) {
    die('Invalid video!');

$name       = ($video['ext'] == 'mp4') ? 'hd' : 'flv';
$player        = VHelper_video_player::get_config($name);
if (!$player) {
    die('Failed to load player configuration!');

$VID        = $video_id;
if ($video_id <= 40000) {
    $VID     = $video['old_video_id'];

if ($video['url'] != '') {
    $video_url = $video['url'];
} else {
    $video_url = VHelper_video_stream::url(TRUE, $VID, $video['ext'], $video['server']);


// check if advertising is enabled here...
$cuepoints    = array();
$iadv         = VHelper_video_player::get_image_adv(
    $video_id, $video['user_id'],
    $video['sponsor'], $video['categories']
if (isset($iadv)) {
    $cuepoints[]     = $iadv['cuepoint'];

$tadv        = VHelper_video_player::get_text_adv(
    $video_id, $video['user_id'],
    $video['sponsor'], $video['categories']
if (isset($tadv)) {
    $cuepoints[]    = $tadv['cuepoint'];

$madv        = VHelper_video_player::get_media_adv(
    $video_id, $video['user_id'],
    $video['sponsor'], $video['categories']

var conf = {
    <?php if ($player['license'] != ''): ?>
    'key': '<?php echo $player['license']; ?>',
    <?php else: ?>
    'key': null,
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php if ($player['logo'] == ''): ?>
    'logo': null,
    <?php else: ?>
        'url': '<?php echo $player['logo']; ?>',
        'fullscreenOnly': false,
        'top': <?php echo $player['top']; ?>,
        'left': <?php echo $player['left']; ?>,
        'bottom': <?php echo $player['bottom']; ?>,
        'right': <?php echo $player['right']; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
    'default': {
        'autoPlay': <?php echo $player['autoPlay']; ?>,
        'autoBuffering': <?php echo $player['autoBuffering']; ?>,
        'bufferLength': <?php echo $player['bufferLength']; ?>,
        'scaling': '<?php echo $player['scaling']; ?>',
        'url': '<?php echo $video_url; ?>',
        'provider': 'lighttpd',
        'onBegin': function(clip) {
            if (clip.isInStream) {
        'onResume': function() {
        'onPause': function() {
        <?php if (isset($cuepoints) && $cuepoints): ?>
        'onCuepoint': [
              [<?php foreach ($cuepoints as $cuepoint): echo $cuepoint; endforeach; ?>],
              function (clip, cuepoint) {
                  if (!clip.isInStream) {
                      if (cuepoint.text) {
                      } else if (cuepoint.image) {
        <?php endif; ?>
        <?php if (isset($madv)): echo $madv; endif; ?>
    'canvas': {
        'backgroundColor': '<?php echo $player['canvas_backgroundColor']; ?>',
        'backgroundGradient': '<?php echo $player['canvas_backgroundGradient']; ?>'
    'skins': {
          'url': '<?php echo BASE_URL,'/modules/video/player/flowplayer.controls-',FLOWPLAYER_CONTROLS,'.swf'; ?>',
          'autoHide': {
              'enabled': false,
        'backgroundColor': '<?php echo $player['backgroundColor']; ?>',
        'backgroundGradient': '<?php echo $player['backgroundGradient']; ?>',
        'buttonColor': '<?php echo $player['buttonColor']; ?>',
        'buttonOverColor': '<?php echo $player['buttonOverColor']; ?>',
        'bufferColor': '<?php echo $player['bufferColor']; ?>',
        'bufferGradient': '<?php echo $player['bufferGradient']; ?>',
        'timeColor': '<?php echo $player['timeColor']; ?>',
        'timeBgColor': '<?php echo $player['timeBgColor']; ?>',
        'durationColor': '<?php echo $player['durationColor']; ?>',
        'sliderColor': '<?php echo $player['sliderColor']; ?>',
        'sliderGradient': '<?php echo $player['sliderGradient']; ?>',
        'progressColor': '<?php echo $player['progressColor']; ?>',
        'progressGradient': '<?php echo $player['progressGradient']; ?>',
        'volumeSliderColor': '<?php echo $player['volumeSliderColor']; ?>',
        'volumeSliderGradient': '<?php echo $player['volumeSliderGradient']; ?>',
        'borderRadius': '<?php echo $player['borderRadius']; ?>px',
        'tooltipColor': '<?php echo $player['tooltipColor']; ?>',
        'tooltipTextColor': '<?php echo $player['tooltipTextColor']; ?>',
        'height': <?php echo $player['height']; ?>,
        'opacity': 1.0,
        'play': <?php echo $player['play']; ?>, 
          'volume': <?php echo $player['volume']; ?>,
          'mute': <?php echo $player['mute']; ?>, 
          'time': <?php echo $player['time']; ?>,
          'stop': <?php echo $player['stop']; ?>, 
          'playlist': <?php echo $player['playlist']; ?>,
          'fullscreen': <?php echo $player['fullscreen']; ?>,
        'tooltips': {
        <?php if ($player['tooltips'] == '1'): ?>
        'buttons': true,
            'play': '<?php echo __('play'); ?>',
            'pause': '<?php echo __('pause'); ?>',
            'stop': '<?php echo __('stop'); ?>',
            'mute': '<?php echo __('mute'); ?>',
            'unmute': '<?php echo __('unmute'); ?>',
            'fullscreen': '<?php echo __('fullscreen'); ?>',
            'fullscreenExit': '<?php echo __('exit-fullscreen'); ?>',
            'next': '<?php echo __('next'); ?>',
            'previous': '<?php echo __('previous'); ?>'
        <?php else: ?>
            'buttons': false
        <?php endif; ?>
    'plugins': {
          'imageAdv': {
              'url': '<?php echo BASE_URL,'/modules/video/player/flowplayer.content-',FLOWPLAYER_CONTENT; ?>.swf',
              'display': 'none',
              'top': 5,
              'width': 450,
              'height': 350,
              'closeButton': true,
            'style': {
                'border': 0,
                'backgroundColor': '#000000'
            <?php if (isset($iadv)): echo $iadv['code']; endif; ?>
            'onClick': function() {
          'textAdv': {
              'url': '<?php echo BASE_URL,'/modules/video/player/flowplayer.content-',FLOWPLAYER_CONTENT; ?>.swf',
            'display': 'none',
            'bottom': 35,
            'width': 600,
            'height': 65,
            'closeButton': true,
            'backgroundGradient': 'low',
            'style': {
                'border': 0,
                'backgroundColor': '#000000',
                '.title': {
                    'fontSize': 15,
                    'fontWeight': 'bold',
                    'textDecoration': 'underline',
                '.link': {
                    'fontSize': 13,
                    'fontWeight': 'bold',
                    'color': '#DFDFDF',
            <?php if (isset($tadv)): echo $tadv['code']; endif; ?>
            'onClick': function() {
          'lighttpd': {
            'url': '<?php echo BASE_URL,'/modules/video/player/flowplayer.pseudostreaming-',FLOWPLAYER_PSEUDOSTREAMING,'.swf'; ?>'
$config = ob_get_contents();

VResponse::add_header('Content-Type', 'application/x-javascript');
VResponse::add_header('Pragma', 'no-cache');
VResponse::add_header('Cache-Control', 'no-cache, must-revalidate');
VResponse::add_header('Last-Modified', gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s').' GMT');
VResponse::add_header('Expires', 'Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT');

    $config = JSMin::minify($config);

    $config = VResponse::gzip($config);

echo $config;


#10 Marketplace » Mass Video Embed and Grabber » 2011-11-04 16:35:35

Replies: 2

I found this awesome tool and hopefully you guys can make use of it 2
I can grab 10 000 videos or more in matter of a minute or 2

If you don't want to embed you can grab to your server as well

Install is easy as well just download the adult script pro file and upload to root and your done!
everything else is done on the swiper website and no stress on your server

#11 Re: Modifications » JWplayer Embed » 2011-11-02 22:31:41

any guide to install jwplayer without disrupting anything?

#12 Modifications » JWplayer Embed » 2011-11-02 05:02:55

Replies: 3

Will installing JWplayer on aspro effect embedded videos on other websites?

Will installing it change the way people get the embed code?

#13 Troubleshooting » Error 145? » 2011-10-31 07:39:07

Replies: 1

Hard drive disk was full and crashed the server and website
When finally got back up when I click a video I get this error

Query: INSERT INTO video_history SET video_id = 42634, user_id = 0, ip = 1119303979, view_date = '2011-10-31 09:37:30'
Error Message: Table './nuuporn_aspro/video_history' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Error Number: 145

does anyone know how to fix?
website is if anyone wants to take a look

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