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#1 Templates » How to create new template from default ASP? » 2016-01-04 16:29:03

Replies: 4

Would anyone care to explain how one might create a new template from the existing defboot?  I already copied the folder to a new name but it appears as thought it's not as simple as that.  I'd like some assistance if possible to make sure I don't overlook anything as so in the future if someone comes across this thread they will have a how-to as well.

#2 Troubleshooting » Update to new faststart? » 2015-11-05 15:32:17

Replies: 1

qt-faststart's features appear to have been implemented into FFMPEG:

You can use -movflags +faststart in ffmpeg.

Could this be updated and qt-faststart be removed as a requirement?

#4 Feature Requests » Stories/Literature » 2012-01-03 02:44:08

Replies: 2

I'd like to request the addition of a Stories/Literature section.  Basically it would just allow you to paste in a story or upload a .txt file and then include it in a page with a title and description.  There's tons of adult erotic/erotica stories/literature around that we could add to our sites.

#5 Feature Requests » Games » 2012-01-03 02:42:29

Replies: 9

I'd like to request the addition of a Games section.  Basically it would just allow you to upload a flash swf file and then include it in a page with a title and description.  There's tons of adult related games around that we could add to our sites.

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