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#1 Open Discussion » NuevoPlayer in ASP 2.0 What to Expect??? » 2015-01-28 12:39:40

Replies: 3

Seeing as Nuevo will be a plugin option for 2.0 i think its important state any problems. i have had many and i think many others have had as well with Nuevolab.
A lot of people like this player and i do too. What i do not like is Nueolab as a company and there unclear ways of getting extra money from you. This has to be a consideration when deciding to go with this player. Hidden fee's? yeah there are loads of extras and these are unclear when buying this player or products there T.O.S  is just made up to suit there needs one must be aware of them when purchasing anything from NuevoLab. 
Dont get me wrong about this post guys... i do not have anything personal against Nuevolab or its staff i just think everyone needs to be aware of these things before considering a buy of any of these products.
1. If you purchase the player you must decide which integration install you want. (What is not clear here is that if you need to change it for any reason. Not the lic player but the install to another script say.) It costs you money. As well as that.. Say you have a integration already bought for another site and would like to use it? well you cant.
this information should be available before purchase. Integration for other supported script costs € 20.00 (This is not clear when you buy the player and choose the Integration.)
2. Plugins like progressive thumbs is a one time buy and you can not use it again??? (if you need to re-install for some reason... buy it again) Again not clear at purchase.
3. Domain name changes 8 euros (sure why not money is money)
4. Any plugin you buy is only to be used on one domain. so if you have several domains? (buy that plugin over and over again) again not clear in website T.O.S or at purchase.
5. Support : I have nothing to say here except you will have issues like everyone has had with Support from Nuevolab terms such as arrogant,rude,condescending,disgusting, nasty, terrible, dreadful, ghastly, horrid, horrible, vile, foul, abominable, appalling, atrocious, horrendous, hideous, offensive, objectionable all come to mind. Just have a look at Nuevo forum or even this forum or AVS's and check all the arrogant responses from them.

If you dont need there support and like the player at 45 euros and can put up with all the bullshit this is the player for you.. If you can not i would recommend staying well away from any products or services from Nuevolab.

#2 Re: Marketplace » SpinText Title desc and more » 2015-01-26 11:23:33

videocasalinghi wrote:

mod similar (synonyms) is already present in the script ASS by adrian, and I think the new version of ASP will be included

Yes but this spinner is for ASP 1.08 to current version 1.2 for all of those who do not want to upgrade of can not to 2.0 its a solution to your SEO.
Mod will be explained better in MarketPlace Post latter on.

#3 Re: Open Discussion » Ajenti Control Panel » 2015-01-22 18:29:04

Main link to site is if you have any install issues hit me up

#4 Re: Marketplace » Getting Out Of The Biz selling all scripts » 2015-01-19 10:47:12

xpornclub wrote:

What is the lowest you would take for script?

Just sent you a PM

#5 Re: Marketplace » Getting Out Of The Biz selling all scripts » 2015-01-16 16:18:04

Eri wrote:

do you have this script? … script.php

Also do you have a link of your Mechbunny Tube script theme?

I do not have the affiliate script. … -moon.html


#6 Re: Marketplace » Getting Out Of The Biz selling all scripts » 2015-01-15 13:41:58

xpornclub wrote:

So all those costs are what they cost for the license right?    Or is that what you are asking for them?

They are what these script are worth:
I am open to fair offers anything ridiculous will obviously ignored

#7 Marketplace » Getting Out Of The Biz selling all scripts » 2015-01-13 13:37:17

Replies: 7

Hi all
Im am leaving the porn biz and would like to sell my Premium scripts. These are all legit and would be transferred with all the developers knowing.

Adultsearch Script for one domain lic   cost:299$
Modenacam Script Full one domain lic  with premium theme cost:$1,990
Mechbunny Tube script unlimited domains Lic with premium bootstrap theme cost:$999USD

There it is open to fair offers anything ridiculous will obviously ignored.

If you have any issues with this Post Adrian please P.M me

Thanks all

#8 Re: Feature Requests » Ad block » 2014-05-21 14:05:00

Here is my solution to the issue. Fairly easy to implement... visit with adblocker enabled

#9 Re: Development » Do you think orientation (Straight, Gay, Shemale) is important? » 2014-04-30 17:01:38

Depending on the kind of site your running it could be very useful indeed. I for one would use it on my sites. big_smile

#10 Re: Troubleshooting » Demo for light version and dark version not working » 2014-03-29 22:57:03

newxxx wrote:

where can demos of TubPremium be seen ?

The Sites are not updated yet on that page please try here:
Dark Demo
White Demo


#11 Re: Troubleshooting » Nuevoplayer 7 - anybody got it working? » 2014-03-10 12:34:56

DuttyRock wrote:

Guess I will have to find someone else to help, cuz that nuevo dude is a ''bleep''.

Man i agree... He has probably the worst support i have ever come across in years. He is arrogant and i am not the only one to say this. Perhaps the lesson to be learn't here is even though you have a good product, your reputation is only as good as your support and how you deal with your clients.
After spending over 200$ on his products. I for one will stop using his player.. the grief is simply not worth the player.

That said... what would anyone using ASP recommend? JW or Flow?

#12 Re: Modifications » Remove ID Video » 2013-12-22 03:08:20

This should be included in the next release for ASP its a great way of showing off how pro the script is compared to the rest..... the ID just brings back 1999 wink

#13 Re: Modifications » Module to export videos to dump file » 2013-12-17 19:09:07

Hey I understand that ,,, but in my case i have a migration with videos that are not classified correctly tag or category wise. Over 3000 need review. Seems like this is a good solution via this or a xml edit. Then upload to db

#14 Re: Modifications » Module to export videos to dump file » 2013-12-17 16:53:06

Hey Eri
Very interesting possibilities here for me. I would need to input the dump back to the db after editing
a quick tutorial on doing this would be of great help.

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