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#1 Pre-sale questions » Premium Function » 2011-04-13 11:41:26

Replies: 2


What I'm mostly after is the premium function.  Can I get more information about how it works?

I'd like to have a coin system with PPV.  The site will be for different content owners to upload their content.  I'm assuming the PPV system has some kind of system that tracks views and assigns commissions or coins to the correct owner?

Can the admin decide the split?

How does the coin purchase work?  Are there different options for amounts (i.e. discount on larger purchases) 

Is there just one price for all videos per minute?

Is it possible to have each category be a store?  I don't necessarily need different categories for the types of videos (I sell one type), I just need a way for a user to click through the different store owners.  On the premium demo I can't click on a link to see the all the content from the owner because once you click on a thumbnail it takes you right to the credit purchase system.

Is a preview of the videos possible?

Can store sellers add their own links/banners to their videos?  Perhaps a workaround to the preview would be to have the store owners upload a free sample of the video and include a link to the premium version.

Is there a way to safeguard against people downloading the videos to their PC (not including screen captures, obviously).

Can any user upload to Premuim or can the backend enable/disable this?

Any future plans for html5?


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