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#1 Open Discussion » How many visitors that a site needs to start making money? » 2012-05-04 14:25:51

Replies: 7

I build my site a few months ago and now have 2000 visitors every day. Can anyone tell me how many visitors that a site generally needs to have cash income?

Thanks a lot!

#2 Troubleshooting » video category » 2012-02-24 04:52:58

Replies: 5

Hi, how can I let a video be included in several categories? I have build some contents by mass embedding videos from other sites, and one video is belonging to single category during embedding. How can I mass edit and let one video shows in multiple categories? Thanks a lot!

#3 Feature Requests » tag management » 2012-02-23 02:06:14

Replies: 3

Just wondering if there is any way that I can edit/manage the tags? Such as remove those I don't like, or add some tags other than categories.

#4 Troubleshooting » mass embed » 2011-12-30 16:29:47

Replies: 1

Hi Adrian,

I was going to mass embed videos from xvideos but somehow after I input all the info and click the "embed videos" button, the page always went to a page showing "We're sorry, the page you requested cannot be found!" in a few seconds, and I have to back to previous page to continue embed videos.  But the interesting thing is that even with this error showed up, the videos were actually added to my site.

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