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#1 Troubleshooting » How to add video preview into video player bar? » 2013-05-31 22:30:07

Black Pussy Tele
Replies: 2

Hey Guys.

Thanks for the help in the past. My site is turning out great.
I do have one question.
How can I have frame previews in my video player bar?
Here's an example. … p-333.html

Try to skip forward in the video and you'll see what i'm talking about.

#2 Troubleshooting » The <img> tag does not have an ALT attribute defined. Bing » 2013-04-23 17:00:23

Black Pussy Tele
Replies: 5

I'm using the Bing Webmaster tool and receiving 2 error messages.

1, The <img> tag does not have an ALT attribute defined.
2.The <h1> tag is missing.

Is there any way of fixing this?

Any help would be great.

#4 Re: Troubleshooting » Using Wowza for Adult Script Pro » 2013-03-27 19:41:28

doing that now. I got the correct rtmp url from my hosting company. the first tech gave me the wrong url.


#5 Re: Troubleshooting » Using Wowza for Adult Script Pro » 2013-03-27 18:10:54

I'm getting a #300 player failure Error Type Error #1009. I'm using flow player

#6 Re: Troubleshooting » Using Wowza for Adult Script Pro » 2013-03-27 16:39:07

cool. so this will also redirect all the videos I'm uploading in the future to my wowza server?

#7 Re: Troubleshooting » Using Wowza for Adult Script Pro » 2013-03-27 16:21:47

Thanks. I'm such a newb.
where in the admin panel do I add rtmp url at?

#8 Troubleshooting » Using Wowza for Adult Script Pro » 2013-03-26 20:36:20

Black Pussy Tele
Replies: 8

I had wowza for a while on my server for another project I decided not to do.
Is there any way I can direct my clips when I upload and play to the wowza media server?

#9 Re: Troubleshooting » Making Videos copy itself to the mobile media folder. » 2013-03-25 20:28:04

I used the convert mobile option and the problem is still there. I'm talking to my hosting company now. Thanks.

#10 Re: Troubleshooting » Making Videos copy itself to the mobile media folder. » 2013-03-25 17:12:52

I asked my hosting company to upgrade ffmpeg to the current version.
I also change the size of the mp4 format.
I used convert to mobile and select mobile and still nothing is inside the mobile video folder.

#11 Re: Troubleshooting » Making Videos copy itself to the mobile media folder. » 2013-03-25 17:09:16

nevermind it didn't work.
I'm still getting a can't find error.

#14 Troubleshooting » Making Videos copy itself to the mobile media folder. » 2013-03-20 18:28:05

Black Pussy Tele
Replies: 8


I'm having a problem with the mobile version of my tube site.
When I upload my videos and click on the mobile option to add them to the mobile tube site, I have the thumbnail and info on there but not the video.
The link send me to an error page.
So I have to download the video and ftp it to the mobile folder.
Any way I can by pass that and have it where the site automatically make two copies of the the clip?


#15 Modifications » Closing space between video thumbnail » 2013-03-12 21:06:00

Black Pussy Tele
Replies: 3

Good afternoon,
I know I asked this question before on this board and this time I have a images of what i'm trying to do.

How to I close this gap between two video thumbnails?

Also any way I can crop my video thumbnails?

#17 Troubleshooting » I'm getting an error-6 message when I add a new category. » 2013-03-12 16:13:49

Black Pussy Tele
Replies: 2

I'm getting an error-6 message when I add a new category.
I have no idea where to go to fix it.
Any help would be good.

#18 Troubleshooting » Removing Space between thumbnail » 2013-03-08 00:22:13

Black Pussy Tele
Replies: 1

First I would like to say thanks for the help in the past.

I'm having problems trying to get rid of the space in between the thumbnails on my site.

I'm trying to figure out which php or css file to edit to change this.

#20 Troubleshooting » Resizing Thumbnails on Front Page. » 2013-02-22 21:48:15

Black Pussy Tele
Replies: 2

I'm to make my tube site to look like
I tried to adjust my thumbnails to the same size on the site.
Sadly it didn't work out as well as I hoped it would.
My question is how to I re size my thumbs and also show the title of my clips that are not hidden?


#22 Troubleshooting » How to Remove the sidebar menu? » 2013-02-21 18:31:03

Black Pussy Tele
Replies: 2

I was wondering how to remove the sidebar tags and CATEGORIES mod. I have no idea from to look to do that.
here's my site.


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