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#1 Re: Troubleshooting » HD videos » 2013-06-07 00:51:19

I have a question, why is it that HD mp4 (1080p) that are uploaded and reconverted have a final of 960x540 (Even though 960x720 is selected as default in the admin area? it ends up being 540p instead of 720p

#2 Re: Documentation » [HOWTO] Howto use AdXpansion Advertising with Adult Script Pro » 2013-06-02 19:32:19

I think this code needs to be put in video_view_flowplayer.tpl.php not in video_view_player.tpl.php?

and wmode transparent is already in the code

#3 Re: Development » Flash Player Overlay Advertising for Embedded Videos » 2011-07-25 15:06:08

How can I fire a popup when the play button is pressed? I tried to add it to the onLoad function but it is blocked by popup blockers. then I tried something different put a on onMute and when someone presses the mute button they get the popup displayed, however thats not what I want. I want a popup when play is pressed. any ideas?

#4 Re: Development » Video Sheduling » 2011-07-14 23:47:17

No!, you should convert them the second they are added, but keep them suspended!

#5 Re: Troubleshooting » HD videos » 2011-07-14 23:46:06

symtab none of the FLV files, I can of course give you FTP to the files but, its not a specific file. I even uploaded files that are not FLV.

vpre works fine for me I just had to create the preset file

#6 Re: Bug Reports » [FIXED/REMOVED] header advertising and counter issue » 2011-07-14 22:36:34

Create an ad (I used ad from ero-ads) select "global" and then browse the admin area it updates

#7 Re: Troubleshooting » HD videos » 2011-07-11 15:55:37

There was this one zip file that contained all presets, if anyone wants it I might be able to upload it so that you guys can distribute it with the script. however my issue (running 6-7 ffmpeg to convert a video to mobile, and the mobile file always being at least double the size of the original FLV) is still there.. Couldnt figure out why.

#8 Re: Development » photo FTP upload » 2011-07-07 16:05:48

Ok I suggest integration with gallery2 then, sadly I will have to continue using gallery2 sad

#9 Re: Development » photo FTP upload » 2011-07-07 13:32:41

Is there a way around this? how would I go and upload our picture collection? we have around 200k pictures there's no way we could add them one by one

#11 Re: Development » Player Logo » 2011-07-05 16:43:53

where exactly do i have enter the key, under defualt or above defualt? and what format 'key': '#$mykey?'

#12 Re: Development » Player Logo » 2011-07-05 15:23:26

I have a full version of flowplayer, I know how to create a branding for it but there are several files

the commercial came with only controls and flowplayer-3.2.7, how do i create the content and pseudostreaming files?

#13 Re: Bug Reports » [FIXED] few more bugs? » 2011-07-05 15:12:51

I do not re-convert FLV, the funny thing is I even tried lowering the mobile bitrate to 550 or 200 which by default (on auto mode) it is 1000 but i still get a larger file.

#14 Re: Bug Reports » [FIXED] few more bugs? » 2011-07-04 20:43:37

I found the slow profile and imported it now it works however the mp4 file generated is nearly 3x the size of the original FLV

when looked at the process list, I see 7 tasks (not threads) that is converting the video.

any ideas?

#15 Re: Bug Reports » [FIXED] few more bugs? » 2011-07-04 12:47:55

I will have to check for bandwidth limit, is there a module required for it?
3. doesnt work no matter what I try. It says background converting started but no convert process is running.
All other so called bugs are not bugs, sorry!

ffmpeg File for preset 'slow' not found

#16 Bug Reports » [FIXED] few more bugs? » 2011-07-04 01:41:10

Replies: 14

does the user bandwidth limit work? I couldn't get it to work.
meta description is less than 155 chars but it gives yellow bar.
mobile video convert does not work.
Timezone in locale does not save!
sitemap cant save even though there are permissions set correctly.

#17 Bug Reports » [FIXED/REMOVED] header advertising and counter issue » 2011-07-04 00:27:01

Replies: 5


header advertising option displays no ads on site?
if an ad is selected as global header, everytime the admin area is refreshed it will count it as a view!

#18 Re: Development » Mobile Module » 2011-07-03 22:08:55

When videoswiper is used to download flv files, mobile conversion is not done even though it is enabled, how can i manually create mobile version?

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