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#1 Re: Feature Requests » Embedded Video Link Tester..... » 2013-06-06 06:54:46

ya that would be great feature as because broken links are discouraging for the visitors.

#2 Re: Open Discussion » players » 2013-05-27 07:44:02

who uses silverlight players. most video players are targeted towards flash and html5

#3 Re: Documentation » best Cache Settings for optimising » 2013-05-20 07:36:48

can both file and APC be used for caching for optimized result letting the program choose which methodology to use in optimized way. suppose if there are plenty of visitors program can switch to APC and then when visitor count drops it could switch file caching.

#4 Re: Open Discussion » players » 2013-05-16 08:13:36

nice that you have shared this link . its good to know that there is lot of choice when it comes to choosing free embedded video player.

#5 Re: Marketplace » Video downloader script for YouTube and several popular video sites » 2013-05-06 07:56:09

this is a valid video url and  it worked when tried by us.  Make sure you have  java installed on your client machine. and you place this video url  link in the text area adjacent to "Fetch & Convert"  button on the home page. also don't close the window until you have downloaded. you would also would be able to stream the video apart from downloading in different formats. You would get a player where you get the streaming and below the player you would get title of the video and below that links specifying the format. you can then just click the links to get download box and choose option save to save the video on your machine also make sure that you have selected the location where you would like it to save or you already have it set by the browser then make sure you know the location. also you get video downloader script for having your own video downloader which would support all the sites supported by if any other difficulty you face regarding this site you can always raise a ticket here under ticket support option.

#6 Re: Modifications » Changing Player » 2013-04-29 09:19:10

you can use third party plugin for ASP which would work as an embedder and also replace the existing player with JWPlayer. you can get one here

#7 Re: Development » MySQL 5.6 GA releases in a couple of days » 2013-04-22 09:46:39

mysql 5.6 has been released but in future would it be replaced by maria-db

#8 Re: Open Discussion » 2012 movies » 2013-04-15 07:57:05

wanted to watch Skyfall (2012). Saw its trailer. did not find it impressive at all.

#9 Re: Feature Requests » Automatic detection of user's language » 2013-04-08 07:07:23

this is one great feature as internationalization/globalization function libraries have been introduced across various platforms and  several visitors are more comfortable with content delivered to them in there native language.

#10 Re: Feature Requests » Duplicate Title » 2013-04-01 09:12:46

is not having only a separate field in the existing table which tells whether this video exists before or not a solution.

#11 Re: Hosting » Great server offer » 2013-03-25 10:04:35

thats nice . is the server going to be dedicated to one user and would allow to host multiple sites or shared with $450 a month per site.

#12 Re: Troubleshooting » What software to use to convert into mp4 ? » 2013-03-18 12:10:00

there are many video converters available online you will definitely get one for converting video to mp4 if you search.

#13 Re: Marketplace » Youtube Embedder » 2013-03-11 11:52:09

its really useful feature of embedding.

#14 Re: Feature Requests » picture or video of the day » 2013-03-04 08:24:45

ya interesting and it would be important functionality.

#15 Re: Feature Requests » An very important future to add in the script » 2013-02-26 06:39:02

its a normal feature providing alternative text in place of images and videos.

#16 Re: Marketplace » video converter script » 2013-02-19 06:17:36

i used the trial version of standalone video converter script and it was easy to setup.   You can go to and go to the Integration page. Then choose a standalone scripts. You can choose FreeDown Java (v2) (thats what i chose but there is also a new script  freedown v3 which you can try ) download now option to download the video downloader scripts on your server. Change the permissions of the all the downloaded folders and files to 755. You can then register with and add your site with url pointing to the script folder web url. Now your should have a functional downloader or converter on your site.

#17 Re: Feature Requests » Ftp servers stats » 2013-02-12 07:04:58

so the remote script will run on server to free disk and then it will have to provide use/free stats on multi - server manage page. how to generate this page

#18 Re: Modifications » Automatic Twitter Post » 2013-01-28 10:20:32

this is one good feature i can say

#19 Re: Development » Flash Player Questions » 2013-01-24 08:38:32

there are video players which work with html5 and flash both and comes for free like JWPLayer and Flowgo players.

#21 Re: Marketplace » Advanced Search Mod (via Sphinx) » 2012-12-31 07:39:10

ya sphinx is i think one of the finest search server.

#22 Re: Documentation » [HOWTO] Promote your site » 2012-12-24 06:28:56

add your sites to popular directories.

#23 Re: Development » Flash Player Questions » 2012-12-19 08:03:55

can this player be integrated. player is good but will it work with all formats.

#24 Re: Troubleshooting » Error 310 » 2012-12-11 07:01:05

without a SLUG video shows on front page when you login as an admin.

#25 Re: Troubleshooting » Changing domain name of my site » 2012-12-03 05:39:18

how about writing in hosts file <your site name> that will create virtual host

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