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#1 Re: Development » Adult Script Pro 3.0 Branch Development » 2018-08-20 12:39:36

I am also curious about the development of v3.0.

#2 Troubleshooting » Removing "Letter:XX" from pornstar browse page » 2018-01-19 16:02:54

Replies: 1

Since the names of the pornstars are not in English. the A B C D... will not work. So I would just remove the whole pull down menu shown.


I would like to know how to do it.


#3 Troubleshooting » embed suddenly doesn't work » 2017-10-06 16:27:12

Replies: 1

It works before but suddenly it doesn't work

The site is using nuevo player. I tried to change the player to video js player and it would work.

I did not change anything on the server recently.

Does anyone also encounter such problem??

#4 Re: Troubleshooting » HTML5 Player » 2017-09-20 01:56:26

Thanks Double_D. It works perfectly!!

#5 Re: Troubleshooting » HTML5 Player » 2017-09-18 06:04:37

Thanks Double_D. I have tried it. The adv does not show up unless I play the video and then pause it.

#6 Troubleshooting » HTML5 Player » 2017-09-17 13:38:24

Replies: 4

I have converted all older flv into mp4 because the probable end of life of flash

And I am now experimenting Flowplayer HTML5 and video js player

But I found that overlay adv does not show on the player unless the video is played and the pause button is pressed.

Is it possible to make the overlay adv show when the video page is opened? This is what I used to see when I was using Flowplayer.


#7 Troubleshooting » Same videos on two different domains » 2017-05-21 11:32:11

Replies: 2

I want to use the same videos for two different domains. For one domain it is just how ASPRO runs as usual.

On the other domain I want to use the videos of the first domain but other things being different, including the title and description of the videos (I can change it manually). Most probably I won't let visitors to register as user and I won't let people to upload videos for the second domain.

Is it difficult to implement this.

#8 Re: Bug Reports » Embed error » 2017-04-09 15:46:52

No. I got this when I set debug to yes. If debug is set to no, no video will be displayed when it is embedded.

#9 Bug Reports » Embed error » 2017-04-07 09:12:24

Replies: 3

I tried to embed some videos today and found some error.


I am using 2.2.4 and there is no such error when there is no player overlay adv.

#10 Troubleshooting » Thumb and photo server problem » 2017-01-14 11:04:50

Replies: 1

I think this problem has been there for quite some time.

After I set the photo server, they are displayed perfectly in the user frontend. The photos are on the photo server

However, I found that in admin, the photos are still on the main server. This means that there are two copies, one of main server and one on the photo server. I think it will be better if photos on the photo servers are shown in admin instead of on the main server. This is a problem especially when I am using only a 256GB SSD for the main server.

Similar problem is also on thumb server for videos. It seems that there will also a copy on the main server. I think it is better to remove the copy on main server automatically for the same reason.

#11 Re: Troubleshooting » Video download problem for video server » 2016-12-07 03:23:46

Well, I would just to make it a little bit more secure so I prefer to have NGINX_SECURE_LINK set up.

I have this in my NGINX vhosts conf

 location ~ \.mp4$ {
            secure_link $arg_st,$arg_e;
            secure_link_md5 securec$uri$arg_e$remote_addr;

            if ($secure_link = "") {
                        return 403;

            if ($secure_link = "0") {
                return 403;

            mp4_buffer_size     4m;
            mp4_max_buffer_size 10m;


and I have already set NGINX_SECURE_KEY as "securec"

Is there any other thing I have to take care of in order to make it work

#12 Re: Troubleshooting » Video download problem for video server » 2016-12-04 09:20:36

It works only when NGINX_SECURE_LINK and NGINX are not defined.

The problem is the download link will not be expired in this case. And people can download whenever they got the download link.

#13 Troubleshooting » Video download problem for video server » 2016-12-04 04:22:11

Replies: 4

I am using Nginx to serve videos

I found that download only works when

define('NGINX', false);
define('NGINX_SECURE_LINK', false);

are declared in download.php

Is there anything I have to set in order to make it work with declaring them to be TRUE.


#15 Re: Troubleshooting » Problem with photo upload » 2016-10-11 14:02:26

Just send you the details symtab. Please help to check.

Thanks again!

#16 Troubleshooting » Problem with photo upload » 2016-10-10 09:52:32

Replies: 6

Just have the time to upgrade from 2.2.1 to 2.2.3

I found that there is still problem with photo upload (this was found starting from 2.2.2)

After photos are uploaded, it returned

Fatal error: Call to undefined method VHelper_photo_server::process_photos() in /home/avsee/public_html/modules/photo/components/upload.php on line 206

In the admin panel, the photos are under "processing" status forever.

Please help to take a look.

#17 Troubleshooting » Embed error » 2016-07-03 02:43:12

Replies: 3

Just spot a bug. If there is Player Overlay Adv, there will be the following error for the embed link:


There will be no such an error and embed will word if there is no player overlay adv

#18 Troubleshooting » Unable to upload photos » 2016-06-26 15:35:35

Replies: 2

Just find this problem. I have not been checking photo upload since last update.

It returns 500 error when I try to upload photos (both in user front end and admin).

And it cannot extract the photos from zip files in admin.

#19 Re: Troubleshooting » Cron scripts not running » 2016-06-06 02:51:30

Well, it is a site upgrading from 1.x to 2.x but some of the cron script does not run unless I do it manually.

I will send you an email. Thanks.

#20 Troubleshooting » Cron scripts not running » 2016-06-04 02:49:58

Replies: 2

I have just found that for my older site which was upgraded from ASPRO 1.x. Some cron script never run even if it is active.

There is no such a problem for my sites which was installed with version 2.x.

I have tried to manually run the scripts and it worked (Video Shedule Queue indeed). While some other cron scripts can run, this and some others do not.

#21 Re: Troubleshooting » Download property in multiserver setting » 2016-06-02 01:38:12

Hello symtab, I have sent you an email. Let me know if any further info is needed in order to fix the problem.


#22 Re: Troubleshooting » Download property in multiserver setting » 2016-05-30 16:47:50

Hello symtab. I have tried amending download.php, but the problem of invalid hash could not be fixed.

#23 Re: Open Discussion » Free RTMP server option » 2016-05-30 06:36:21

Oh, so what will you suggest to use to serve the videos?



#24 Open Discussion » Free RTMP server option » 2016-05-29 05:18:45

Replies: 3

I have used nginx to serve both as web server and streaming server for some time.

I would like to give RTMP a try.

Is there still some free options besides Red5. It seems that crtmp is no longer updated.

#25 Re: Troubleshooting » Download property in multiserver setting » 2016-05-28 09:30:37

Hello symtab, please help to check the issue when you have time.


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