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Hello Friend,
Anybody Is Familiar With Setting Up Premium Section As I Got Approved By CCBILL And Have Used CCBILL So Please Help In Setting Up It And The Exact Steps For Setting It Up.
Pharmacy, wholesale prices - worldwide shipping.
You will need to set the CCBILL Account Id, CCBILL Subaccount, CCBILL Form name and CCBILL Salt (you get the salt from ccbill after they enable dyanmic payment for you, you need to contact them for this). You enter this data in Admin -> Payment -> Payment Processors -> CCBILL. Once done it will work. Please not that the premium/payment system has changed and has been improved in 1.0.
Adult Scripts: Adult Script Pro - Adult Search Script
Adult Advertising/Traffic: Plug Rush - EXOClick - PopAds
You will need to set the CCBILL Account Id, CCBILL Subaccount, CCBILL Form name and CCBILL Salt (you get the salt from ccbill after they enable dyanmic payment for you, you need to contact them for this). You enter this data in Admin -> Payment -> Payment Processors -> CCBILL. Once done it will work. Please not that the premium/payment system has changed and has been improved in 1.0.
So It is Good In 1.0 Then When We Will get 1.0 Or YOu can Send Me Its Upgrade Version So I Set Up premium Section.
And Which form i Should Use They Send Me All form Name 141cc, 141ck, 141dp, 141t9.
Last edited by (2012-04-11 16:43:51)
Pharmacy, wholesale prices - worldwide shipping.
And Which form i Should Use They Send Me All form Name 141cc, 141ck, 141dp, 141t9.
Pharmacy, wholesale prices - worldwide shipping.
You need to ask ccbill this. You need the dynamic pricing form.
Adult Scripts: Adult Script Pro - Adult Search Script
Adult Advertising/Traffic: Plug Rush - EXOClick - PopAds
Ok I Will Ask And Update You Also So You can Add It Permanently In 1.0..........
Pharmacy, wholesale prices - worldwide shipping.
It cannot be added permanently, because it depends on the user which form he/she wants to use. 1.0 also support subscription based and not only dynamic payment, so more than one possibilities for the form id.
Adult Scripts: Adult Script Pro - Adult Search Script
Adult Advertising/Traffic: Plug Rush - EXOClick - PopAds
Then Release It fast Bro...................
Waiting for It To Long For Many Features.............
Pharmacy, wholesale prices - worldwide shipping.
This Is Form Details Which One To Use..
141cc - The 'cc' in this stands for Credit Card payments.
141ck - The 'ck' in this stands for Check payments.
141dp - The "dp' in this stands for Direct Pay payments.
Pharmacy, wholesale prices - worldwide shipping.
I am confused about the dynamic pricing. First of all: What is that? Is that the same thing, that ccbill is calling "regional pricing"?
i have asked ccbill to enable it, what they did. Now i am getting the error message: Dynamic Pricing requires 'currencyCode'
I have asked for that, and got the following answer:
"Yes, the Dynamic Pricing type does require a currency code to be passed into the form string via the 'currencyCode' variable. As you stated you are going to also bring this to the scriptwriter, you may also want to provide him with the below codes for currencies that can be used.
840 = USD
978 = EUR
036 = AUD
124 = CAD
826 = GBP
392 = JPY "
Where do I enter these codes? I do not see anything in the script.
Thanks for your help
Dynamic Prices Changes As Per Counry i Perfer You to Put Static Price Like In $ or Any Currency You Want It Will Collect Subscription in that Currency And Send You In Your Local Currency By CCbill
Pharmacy, wholesale prices - worldwide shipping.
Hi, thanks! But I still get that "Dynamic Pricing requires 'currencyCode'" error. We have changed CCbill to static prices but that didn't help.
Where in the script can I set currencies please?
ok, found a bug:
in libraries/framework/payment/ccbill.php line 33 it says:
$this->add('currentcyCode', 840);
so the "t" in currencyCode must be removed. checking if that works now...
Ohhh...thanks for reporting. Will also fix in next version of the premium module.
Adult Scripts: Adult Script Pro - Adult Search Script
Adult Advertising/Traffic: Plug Rush - EXOClick - PopAds
hm, didn't help towards the "Dynamic Pricing requires 'currencyCode'" error given out by ccbill. Can you tell me where I can set the currency code in the script please?
libraries/framework/payment/ccbill.php . I dont know if they changed anything, but dynamic pricing was working. It was the first thing i've ever tested with ccbill.
Adult Scripts: Adult Script Pro - Adult Search Script
Adult Advertising/Traffic: Plug Rush - EXOClick - PopAds
ok now we get the message "Invalid Digest" from ccbill. they say "The Invalid Digest message you’re receiving is due to our system not receiving all the information it would need in order to load a form through our Dynamic Pricing system. The Digest would refer to the formDigest value, created from the concatenated values of the formPrice, formPeriod, and currencyCode variables along with the Salt Key".
We put in all that information yet it still doesn't work. Can you give me another hint please?
Please email me with FTP access and ccbill access. I will test and fix.
Adult Scripts: Adult Script Pro - Adult Search Script
Adult Advertising/Traffic: Plug Rush - EXOClick - PopAds
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