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Pages: 1
You need to edit a lot of files to be able to do this. Edit modules/frontpage/frontpage.php and replace:
u.username, GROUP_CONCAT( AS tags
and for recent replace:
LEFT JOIN #__user AS u ON (u.user_id = v.user_id AND u.status = '1')
WHERE v.status = 1
LEFT JOIN #__user AS u ON (u.user_id = v.user_id AND u.status = '1')
LEFT JOIN #__video_tags AS t ON (t.video_id = v.video_id)
WHERE v.status = 1
GROUP BY v.video_id
and for featured replace:
LEFT JOIN #__user AS u ON (u.user_id = v.user_id AND u.status = '1')
LEFT JOIN #__video_tags AS t ON (t.video_id = v.video_id)
GROUP BY v.video_id
Once done edit templates/your-template/frontpage.tpl.php and add the following code where you want it in the design to appear:
<?php $tags = explode(',', $video['tags']); foreach ($tags as $tag): echo '<a href="'.RELATIVE_URL.'/tag/'.e($tag).'/">'.e($tag).'</a>'; endforeach; ?>
Please make sure to add css changes.
Adult Scripts: Adult Script Pro - Adult Search Script
Adult Advertising/Traffic: Plug Rush - EXOClick - PopAds
<?php $tags = explode(',', $video['tags']); foreach ($tags as $tag): $tag = str_replace(' ', '-', $tag); echo '<a href="'.RELATIVE_URL.'/tag/'.e($tag).'/">'.e($tag).'</a>'; endforeach; ?>
Adult Scripts: Adult Script Pro - Adult Search Script
Adult Advertising/Traffic: Plug Rush - EXOClick - PopAds
Pages: 1