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Pages: 1
I've uploaded some images to my site but noticed that they are being renamed once they are uploaded (1.jpg,2.jpg,etc.)
Is there a way I can keep the original filename?
Not possible! There are a few requests for this feature so i will implement it in a future version. The url for the image will be original-title-photo-id.jpg for example...
Adult Scripts: Adult Script Pro - Adult Search Script
Adult Advertising/Traffic: Plug Rush - EXOClick - PopAds
The same will be great for videos to keep original title, name
This will be a big change. It does not come without problems though...for example if you change the slug of the video, you wont be able to change the filename, so basically the filename will remain the same, when you add a video with the graber...
Adult Scripts: Adult Script Pro - Adult Search Script
Adult Advertising/Traffic: Plug Rush - EXOClick - PopAds
Pages: 1