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So i dont know what to do to prevent these spammers from joining the forum. I added a math captcha, repcatcha...simple captcha...nothing works. Anyone have any ideas?
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I tested on my vbulletin, until now it stopped 100% spammers already at the registration. Stopforumspam has an API and for vbulletin there is an addon which uses this API.
You need a api key and the addon for FluxBB. Just a quick googlesearch found this:
EDIT: The forum of Stopforumspam itself runs on FLUX, so i think it works pretty well with their own api
Last edited by Coscast (2011-11-08 14:35:15)
Like i mentioned already in another post simply make some questions to answer like "How many toes are on 5 feet" or "Is rain wet or dry" . Bots cannot handle these kinds of questions. I added this on all sites and NO bot was able to register anymore
Last edited by MS_DA (2011-11-12 23:42:53)
Thank you...i added a math checker...if this doesnt work...i'll just ask what color the sky has!
Adult Scripts: Adult Script Pro - Adult Search Script
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Also, there is a big thing were companies just pay people to do this, so if thats the case, its not possible to stop. Sucks.
I'm losing like 15 minutes every day to remove the spam
Adult Scripts: Adult Script Pro - Adult Search Script
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HAHA I Hate To These Spammers...
You Should Delegate Or Make Some Moderators So They Can Take Action At Same Time . They Should Block User And Delete Post.
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I dont know if you have the options to do following, but I am also running a social network site (beside your script), and in that network, we stopped spamming but making 2 different membership levels.
We made a simple setup like "new members and Verified members" and the settings are set as:
New members, need manual approval for posts in forum (and blogs in our case).
For every picture, video or forum post a member post, they earn (x) points.
When a member has earned (xx) points, they are automatically upgraded to Verified membership.
When your upgraded to Verified member, you no longer have to wait for approval on your posts.
It might be a few minutes work a day, to verify and check things, but 99,9% of the spammers give up, cause it takes too much time and work from their side, and they move on to next forum to annoy them instead :-)
So, its an easy way to get rid of most spammers, and make your site seem more serious...
Last edited by Sleepwalker (2012-02-22 18:24:49)
I have no problem using the method you described (either way i still check the forum a few times / day), however i dont think visitors will like it. Now the SPAM is lower, ocassionaly there is a spam robot. The problem now is that there are a few spammers that post random posts, related to the topic, they all seem to say nothing in their posts and all have a signature (currently no link there).
Adult Scripts: Adult Script Pro - Adult Search Script
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Like THS said there are several humen who register to check random questions for the companies who run bots. Specially one russion and one chinese. So i change the questions from time to time.
ATM i´ve 3 or more daily registrations on the tube - all are 20 years old and and add as location Los Angeles, USA. Their ips say all come from Russia.
Well i just enabled members approve. The members that want to post have to send me a email :-) Like you did.
Adult Scripts: Adult Script Pro - Adult Search Script
Adult Advertising/Traffic: Plug Rush - EXOClick - PopAds
Well i tried them all, captcha, math captcha, hidden input field...nothing works.
Adult Scripts: Adult Script Pro - Adult Search Script
Adult Advertising/Traffic: Plug Rush - EXOClick - PopAds
Hi all, finally been approved so here goes my first post:
I understand the problem you guys are having with spam (I am a moderator on a porn forum) but for a support forum there is nothing more frustrating than needing the support and then waiting to get approval to be able to get it.
In my case it even took longer because the initial username I chose was not approved (had ASP in it) so I had to create another username, use another email address and request approval again.
Ok, it wasn't the end of the world but it still took longer than I hoped for.
(BTW, bug report on the run about the forum: if you use an email address that has already been used to register, the forum doesn't give any error or warning messages but loads a blank page with no info at all.)
Just an idea, since you guys are going through the process of manually approving every user and are still getting such a shitload of new spam members, maybe it is better to do it the other way around:
- Disable creation of new members.
- Members wanting to join need to send an email with their requested username, you guys create the account and send an approval email with the full enabled account.
That will take the same amount of time for you but will kill all spam new users.
Anyway, thanks for approving me.
One thing I did on one of my forums, is added a captcha and also a complex worded question. It seemed to work for me, before that I was getting like 20 fake sign ups per day, after 0.
I never had issues with spammers because I always banned spam e-mail ranges via ACP on my websites then through Cloudflare, banned most spam producing countries such as China, India, Pakistan, Russia and more.
Now by ban on Cloudflare, a visitor is not banned completely however presented with a challenge page.
One thing I did on one of my forums, is added a captcha and also a complex worded question. It seemed to work for me, before that I was getting like 20 fake sign ups per day, after 0.
was the "complex worded question" easy to integrate with ASP ?
(i obviously know nothing about setting up captcha)
thank you
ip ban. Would be useful in asp also as I'm getting the same spam attacks.
A lot of my spammers are coming from:
Last edited by CTNinja (2014-06-12 20:02:58)
Sign up for webcam affiliate @
Not needed anymore. There is 0 SPAM now. I approve all members :-)
Adult Scripts: Adult Script Pro - Adult Search Script
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