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Pages: 1
I have duplicated related videos. All duplicated videos have same video ID as well
I searched the forum and see it has been reported, but wondering if there is a fix for it yet
You can see an example below, however it happens on virtually every video played...
Had the same issue, are you running sphinx? Symtab was able to fix it, if you are running default-pink as template I can send ya over my files.
This is such a stupid error, which should not occur. Its a easy fix, but it shouldnt be necesary. I have to do some more reasearch.
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Thanks for the reply
No I'm not using Sphinx, and I'm using default black template .
If its an easy fix can you share with me so I can take care of it myself
peep that thread
Thanks for the tip, however it didn't change anything. No errors but still the duplicated videos
Pages: 1