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Pages: 1
How can i remove footer ads from the frontpage only?
Use the following code:
<?php if (VUri::request(0) == ''): echo p('adv_footer'); endif; ?>
Adult Scripts: Adult Script Pro - Adult Search Script
Adult Advertising/Traffic: Plug Rush - EXOClick - PopAds
How do i use that code? i posted it in the frontpage but i get 2 footers Lol. im trying to remove the footer from the frontpage.
<?php echo p('adv_footer'); ?>
if i replace this code with the one you provide then footer ads is only on frontpage... i want to remove it from the frontpage.
Last edited by DuttyRock (2013-04-01 05:41:24)
Edit templates/your-template/footer.tpl.php and replace <?php echo p('adv_footer'); ?> with the above code.
Adult Scripts: Adult Script Pro - Adult Search Script
Adult Advertising/Traffic: Plug Rush - EXOClick - PopAds
I did that. i made a note in the above post that the code does not work properly.
Did you edit footer.tpl.php?
Adult Scripts: Adult Script Pro - Adult Search Script
Adult Advertising/Traffic: Plug Rush - EXOClick - PopAds
Here is the code that worked.
<?php if (VUri::request(0) != ''): echo p('adv_footer'); endif; ?>
Pages: 1