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i would like to know how we can set the default rating to 2.5 stars, so when a video has not been rated it looks like it has 2.5 stars?
Edit modules/video/components/view.php and add:
$video['rating'] = 2.5;
$video['rated_by'] = 1;
right before:
$template = ($video['status'] == '8') ? 'video_view_deleted' : 'video_view';
Adult Scripts: Adult Script Pro - Adult Search Script
Adult Advertising/Traffic: Plug Rush - EXOClick - PopAds
Im not seeing anything even close to that in the file view.php Nothing even close to that. $template = ($video['status'] == '8') ? 'video_view_deleted' : 'video_view';
I looked over the file like 50 times.
defined('_VALID') or die('Restricted Access!');
class VComponent_video_view extends VModule_video
private $tpl;
private $video_id;
public function __construct()
$this->tpl = VF::factory('template');
$this->video_id = (int) VUri::request(0);
public function render()
if ($this->vcfg['view_access'] != 'all' && !VBrowser::get('is_robot')) {
VAuth::check($this->vcfg['view_access'], NULL, 'Please login as a '.$this->vcfg['view_access'].' to watch videos');
$cache_id = 'video_'.$this->video_id;
if (!$video = $this->cache->get($cache_id, 7200)) {
$this->db->query("SELECT v.video_id, v.user_id, v.title, v.slug, v.description, v.total_views, v.total_comments, v.premium,
v.allow_rating, v.allow_comment, v.allow_embed, v.rating, v.rated_by, v.embed_code, v.allow_download,
v.duration, v.add_time, v.thumb, v.ext, v.type, v.adv, v.sponsor, v.size, vm.meta_title,
vm.meta_desc, vm.meta_keys, u.username,
GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT c.cat_id) AS categories,
FROM #__video AS v
LEFT JOIN #__video_category AS vc ON (vc.video_id = v.video_id)
LEFT JOIN #__video_categories AS c ON (vc.cat_id = c.cat_id)
LEFT JOIN #__video_tags AS t ON (t.video_id = v.video_id)
LEFT JOIN #__video_meta AS vm ON (vm.video_id = v.video_id)
LEFT JOIN #__user AS u ON (u.user_id = v.user_id)
WHERE v.video_id = ".$this->video_id."
GROUP BY v.video_id
LIMIT 1");
if ($this->db->affected_rows()) {
$video = $this->db->fetch_assoc();
$this->cache->store($cache_id, $video, 7200);
} else {
VModule::load('404', TRUE);
// we redirect her if anything is not set correctly
if (!VUri::match($this->video_id.'/'.$video['slug'].'/')) {
VF::redirect(BASE_URL.'/'.$this->video_id.'/'.$video['slug'].'/', '301');
if ($video['premium'] == '1' && VModule::enabled('premium')) {
$ip = VServer::ip(TRUE);
$user_id = (VAuth::loggedin()) ? (int) $_SESSION['user_id'] : 0;
$owner_id = (int) $video['user_id'];
$friends = TRUE;
if ($user_id) {
if ($video['type'] == 'private' &&
$user_id !== (int) $owner_id) {
$this->db->query("SELECT user_id
FROM #__user_friends
WHERE user_id = ".$owner_id."
AND friend_id = ".$user_id."
AND status = 'approved'
LIMIT 1");
if (!$this->db->affected_rows()) {
$friends = FALSE;
} else {
if ($video['type'] == 'private') {
$friends = FALSE;
$date = date('Y-m-d h:i:s');
$time = time();
if (!VBrowser::get('is_robot') && $friends === TRUE) {
// view_date removed from the update...still in database
$this->db->query("UPDATE #__video
SET total_views = total_views+1,
view_time = ".time()."
WHERE video_id = ".$this->video_id." LIMIT 1");
$this->db->query("UPDATE #__user_activity SET total_video_views = total_video_views+1 WHERE user_id = ".$owner_id." LIMIT 1");
if ($this->vcfg['track_views'] != '0') {
$this->db->query("INSERT INTO #__video_history
SET video_id = ".$this->video_id.",
user_id = ".$user_id.",
ip = ".$ip.",
view_time = '".$time."'");
if ($user_id) {
$this->db->query("UPDATE #__user_activity SET total_viewed_videos = total_viewed_videos+1 WHERE user_id = ".$user_id." LIMIT 1");
if ($_SESSION['group_id'] == VAuth::get_group_id('Registered')) {
if ($video['embed_code'] == '' && VModule::enabled('premium')) {
$registered_method = VF::cfg_item('module.user.registered_method');
if ($registered_method != '0') {
VHelper_user_limit::update($user_id, $registered_method);
} else {
if ($video['embed_code'] == '' && VF::cfg_item('module.user.guest_limit') && !VBrowser::get('is_robot')) {
VHelper_user_guest::update($ip, $video['size']);
if ($this->vcfg['view_related']) {
require 'nuevo.php';
if ($this->vcfg['view_comments']) {
if (VModule::enabled('pornstar')) {
$this->tpl->meta_title = ($video['meta_title'] != '') ? $video['meta_title'] : $video['title'].' - '.$this->tpl->cfg['site_name'];
$this->tpl->meta_desc = ($video['meta_desc'] != '') ? $video['meta_desc'] : __('watch').' '.$video['title'].'. '.$this->tpl->cfg['meta_desc'];
$this->tpl->meta_keys = ($video['meta_keys'] != '') ? $video['meta_keys'] : $video['tags'];
$this->tpl->menu = 'video';
$media_url = (defined('CDN_THUMB_URL')) ? CDN_THUMB_URL : MEDIA_URL.'/videos/tmb';
$this->tpl->metas = array(
'og:title' => $video['title'],
'og:type' => 'movie',
'og:url' => CURRENT_URL,
// need to handle CDN here in the future
'og:image' => $media_url.'/'.path($video['video_id']).'/'.$video['thumb'].'.jpg'
$this->tpl->canonical = BASE_URL.'/'.$video['video_id'].'/'.$video['slug'].'/';
$this->tpl->vcfg = $this->vcfg;
$this->tpl->user_id = $user_id;
$this->tpl->video = $video;
$this->tpl->categories = $this->get_video_categories();
$this->tpl->download = $this->get_download_perms($user_id);
$this->tpl->user_id = $user_id;
$this->tpl->friends = $friends;
$this->tpl->load(array('header', 'video_view', 'footer'));
private function get_download_perms($user_id)
$download = ($this->vcfg['download'] == '1') ? TRUE : FALSE;
if ($download) {
if ($this->vcfg['download_perms'] == 'all') {
$downoad = TRUE;
} elseif ($this->vcfg['download_perms'] == 'registered' && !$user_id) {
$download = FALSE;
} elseif ($this->vcfg['download_perms'] == 'premium') {
if (!VAuth::group('Premium')) {
$download = FALSE;
return $download;
private function get_related_videos($video_id, $title, $tags, $categories)
$cache_id = 'video_related_'.$video_id;
if (!$related = $this->cache->get($cache_id, 3600) OR
!$related_total = $this->cache->get($cache_id.'_total', 3600)) {
if ($this->vcfg['related_category']) {
$query = ($this->vcfg['related_method'] == 'simple')
? $this->get_related_category_simple($video_id, $title, $categories)
: $this->get_related_category_complex($video_id, $tags, $categories);
} else {
$query = ($this->vcfg['related_method'] == 'simple')
? $this->get_related_simple($video_id, $title)
: $this->get_related_complex($video_id, $tags);
$related_total = $query['total'];
if ($query['sql'] !== FALSE) {
$related = $this->db->get_rows($query['sql']);
if ($this->db->affected_rows()) {
$this->cache->store($cache_id, $related, 3600);
$this->cache->store($cache_id.'_total', $related_total, 3600);
} else {
$related = array();
$this->tpl->related = $related;
$this->tpl->related_total = $related_total;
private function get_comments()
$sql_count = "SELECT COUNT(comment_id) AS total_comments
FROM #__video_comments
WHERE video_id = ".$this->video_id."
AND status = '1'";
$total_comments = $this->db->get_field($sql_count, 'total_comments');
$pagination = VPagination::get(1, $total_comments, $this->vcfg['comments_per_page']);
$sql = "SELECT c.comment_id, c.parent_id, c.user_id,
c.comment, c.add_date, c.nickname,
u.username, u.gender, u.avatar
FROM #__video_comments AS c
LEFT JOIN #__user AS u ON (u.user_id = c.user_id)
WHERE c.video_id = ".$this->video_id."
AND c.status = '1'
ORDER BY c.comment_id DESC
LIMIT ".$pagination['limit'];
$cache_id = $sql.$total_comments;
if (!$comments = $this->cache->get($cache_id, 3600)) {
$comments = $this->db->get_rows($sql);
if ($this->db->affected_rows()) {
$this->cache->store($cache_id, $comments, (3600));
$this->tpl->comments = $comments;
$this->tpl->total_comments = $total_comments;
$this->tpl->pagination = $pagination;
private function get_pornstars()
$sql = "SELECT m.slug,
FROM #__model_videos AS mv
LEFT JOIN #__model AS m ON (mv.model_id = m.model_id)
WHERE mv.video_id = ".$this->video_id;
$cache_id = 'video-pornstars-'.$this->video_id;
if (!$pornstars = $this->cache->get($cache_id, 3600)) {
$pornstars = $this->db->get_rows($sql);
if ($this->db->affected_rows()) {
$this->cache->store($cache_id, $pornstars, 3600);
$this->tpl->pornstars = $pornstars;
private function get_related_category_simple($video_id, $title, $categories)
$title = $this->db->escape($title);
$sql_count = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS total_related
FROM #__video AS v
INNER JOIN #__video_category AS c ON (c.video_id = v.video_id AND c.cat_id IN (".$categories."))
WHERE MATCH (v.title) AGAINST ('".$title."')
AND v.status = 1";
return array(
'total' => $this->db->get_field($sql_count, 'total_related'),
'sql' => "SELECT v.video_id, v.title, v.slug, v.rating, v.rated_by, v.duration, v.thumb,
v.thumbs, v.total_views, v.add_time, v.premium, v.ext, u.username,
MATCH (v.title) AGAINST ('".$title."') AS relevance
FROM #__video AS v
INNER JOIN #__video_category AS c ON (c.video_id = v.video_id AND c.cat_id IN (".$categories."))
LEFT JOIN #__user AS u ON (u.user_id = v.user_id)
WHERE MATCH (v.title) AGAINST ('".$title."')
AND v.status = 1
AND v.video_id != ".$video_id."
ORDER BY relevance DESC LIMIT ".$this->vcfg['related_per_page']
private function get_related_category_complex($video_id, $tags, $categories)
$host = VF::cfg_item('sphinx_host');
$port = VF::cfg_item('sphinx_port');
if (empty($host) OR empty($port)) {
throw new VException('Please set your sphinx search engine host and port!');
$sphinx = new SphinxClient();
$sphinx->SetServer($host, $port);
$sphinx->SetFieldWeights(array('tags' => 100, 'title' => 70, 'description' => 30));
$sphinx->SetFilter('categories', array_values(explode(',', $categories)));
$sphinx->SetFilter('video', array($video_id), true);
$sphinx->SetLimits(0, $this->vcfg['related_per_page'], 1000);
$tags = str_replace(',', ' ', VText::truncate_words($tags, 40, ''));
$results = $sphinx->Query($tags, 'videos');
if (isset($results['total']) && isset($results['matches'])) {
$ids = implode(',', array_keys($results['matches']));
return array(
'total' => $results['total'],
'sql' => 'SELECT v.video_id, v.title, v.slug, v.rating, v.rated_by, v.duration, v.thumb,
v.thumbs, v.total_views, v.add_time, v.ext, v.premium, u.username
FROM #__video AS v
LEFT JOIN #__user AS u on (u.user_id = v.user_id)
WHERE v.video_id IN ('.$ids.')
ORDER BY FIELD (v.video_id, '.$ids.')'
return array('total' => 0, 'sql' => FALSE);
private function get_related_simple($video_id, $title)
$title = $this->db->escape($title);
$sql_count = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS total_related
FROM #__video AS v
WHERE MATCH (v.title) AGAINST ('".$title."')
AND v.status = 1";
return array(
'total' => $this->db->get_field($sql_count, 'total_related'),
'sql' => "SELECT v.video_id, v.title, v.slug, v.rating, v.rated_by, v.duration, v.thumb,
v.thumbs, v.total_views, v.add_time, v.ext, v.premium, u.username,
MATCH (v.title) AGAINST ('".$title."') AS relevance
FROM #__video AS v
LEFT JOIN #__user AS u ON (u.user_id = v.user_id)
WHERE MATCH (v.title) AGAINST ('".$title."')
AND v.status = 1
AND v.video_id != ".$video_id."
ORDER BY relevance DESC LIMIT ".$this->vcfg['related_per_page']
private function get_related_complex($video_id, $tags)
$host = VF::cfg_item('sphinx_host');
$port = VF::cfg_item('sphinx_port');
if (empty($host) OR empty($port)) {
throw new VException('Please set your sphinx search engine host and port!');
$sphinx = new SphinxClient();
$sphinx->SetServer('localhost', 3312);
$sphinx->SetFieldWeights(array('tags' => 100, 'title' => 70, 'description' => 30));
$sphinx->SetFilter('video', array($video_id), true);
$sphinx->SetLimits(0, $this->vcfg['related_per_page'], 1000);
$tags = str_replace(',', ' ', VText::truncate_words($tags, 40, ''));
$results = $sphinx->Query($tags, 'videos');
if (isset($results['total']) && isset($results['matches'])) {
$ids = implode(',', array_keys($results['matches']));
return array(
'total' => $results['total'],
'sql' => 'SELECT v.video_id, v.title, v.slug, v.rating, v.rated_by, v.duration, v.thumb,
v.thumbs, v.total_views, v.add_time, v.ext, v.premium, u.username
FROM #__video AS v
LEFT JOIN #__user AS u on (u.user_id = v.user_id)
WHERE v.video_id IN ('.$ids.')
ORDER BY FIELD (v.video_id, '.$ids.')'
return array('total' => 0, 'sql' => FALSE);
Add before this:
$this->tpl->menu = 'video';
Adult Scripts: Adult Script Pro - Adult Search Script
Adult Advertising/Traffic: Plug Rush - EXOClick - PopAds
It kinda works, but the problem is that if it has already been rated it still only shows 2.5 stars. It should only show 2.5 if no ratings. If rated show current rating.
Hah....good point :-) Add this then:
if ($video['rating'] == '0') && $video['rated_by'] == '0') {
$video['rating'] = 2.5;
$video['rated_by'] = 1;
Adult Scripts: Adult Script Pro - Adult Search Script
Adult Advertising/Traffic: Plug Rush - EXOClick - PopAds
Yeah that worked perfect. What file do I edit to make it look the same for the front page and the video browse pages?
It doesnt work in the same way for the frontpage/video browse pages, but you can edit templates/your-template/frontpage.tpl.php and templates/your-template/video_browse.tpl.php and add:
<?php if ($video['rating'] == '0'): $video['rating'] = 2.5; endif; ?>
<div class="rating_bar"><div style="width:<?php echo round($video['rating']*20); ?>%"></div></div>
Adult Scripts: Adult Script Pro - Adult Search Script
Adult Advertising/Traffic: Plug Rush - EXOClick - PopAds
Perfect Thanks. So happy now!