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#1 2014-01-03 23:09:37

Registered: 2011-03-18
Posts: 977

mobile site ipad iphone

I have made a mobile site.
This mobile site will show only mp4 videos.
But when someone enters the video directly by link from Android or other tablet that support flv the video is visible.

The problem is that this video is visible for ipad,iphone users.

How to give a message that will say to those users this video is not available.

Also how to convert the new flv that will be uploaded to mp4?

Last edited by Eri (2014-01-03 23:11:32)

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#2 2014-01-03 23:28:59

Registered: 2012-08-01
Posts: 189

Re: mobile site ipad iphone

Ipad/iPhone default browser is Safari and 99% of people use it. Such browser doesn't have flash, cannot play FLV video.
Same Android devices. Most browsers on Android will not play flash FLV video.
You must have mp4 h264/AAC video, best encoded with baseline profile to be sure that almost 100% of mobile devices will play it.
I believe that ASP script convert video to such mobile format automatically when video uploaded and by default such file is stored in "media/videos/mobile" directory. There is also video "stream" helper function "url_mobile" which can extract mobile video URL, and which should be used especially when video files are stored on other server

Last edited by Nuevolab (2014-01-03 23:30:20)


#3 2014-01-04 00:22:34

Registered: 2011-03-18
Posts: 977

Re: mobile site ipad iphone

The problem with baseline profile is that the quality is very low for tablet and new phones. Also having mobile and desktop video costs for hosting.

And from 500.000 mobile users top 10 devices are
Apple iPhone
Apple iPad
Amazon KFTT Kindle Fire HD 7
Amazon Kindle Fire Kindle Fire
BlackBerry PlayBook
Samsung GT-I9300 Galaxy S III
Amazon KFOT Kindle Fire 7
Samsung GT-I9100 Galaxy S II
Samsung S4
Samsung Note

So this mean that there is no need to have the baseline profile. Also in the next years mobile phone will have more performance.

I was thinking to convert all flv to mp4, 720p or 420p and use them for mobile table and desktop.
But i do not know if the quality of the video will be the same as flv.

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#4 2014-01-05 03:21:13

Registered: 2012-08-01
Posts: 189

Re: mobile site ipad iphone

It's not possible to reply email sent from ASP forum, so here's my reply.

My private solution for standard video is to convert source to MP4 h264/aac with baseline profile.
I discussed it with some encoding guru and for the moment I stayed with baseline profile to support majority of mobile devices, also on those older.
I use mencoder (not ffmpeg) to convert as in my private conversion class it gives me more control and better quality, smaller filesize. I completely left FLV format.
So my default desktop video is also mobile video. I use 480p resolution for default video. (eg. 640x360 px)
That's what youtube use.
Whatever, such h264 conversion is much better than h263. Much better quality, smaller filesize.
The only disadvantage is when source video is FLV and it's reconverted to mp4...Each reconversion must cost quality, thou not so much. But from my experince I found that real uploaders rather upload other than FLV formats (avi,mp4,mov,wmv, etc)

With good parameters conversion with baseline profile doesn't differ in quality from command with crf option.
However recently most devices play also h264/aac encoded without baseline profile.
For example HD mp4 should play fine on most modern mobile/tablet devices.
So it's your choice and code setup knowledge.

Last edited by Nuevolab (2014-01-05 03:33:10)


#5 2014-01-06 08:01:15

Registered: 2010-08-23
Posts: 7,501

Re: mobile site ipad iphone

We will only have MP4 in our next version (but i cant give you a exact date for the release). Like Nuevolab said, for every conversion you loose a little quality, but in most cases you wont notice it. We can make a few tests with baseline if you want (i can remove some one the parameters) to enhance the quality.

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#6 2014-01-06 11:29:57

Registered: 2011-03-18
Posts: 977

Re: mobile site ipad iphone

I have made a lot of researches those days about mp4 and mobile. Becasue there is no need to redirect mobile traffic , you get more by having your site.

Pornhubnetwork use 240p baseline profile for mobile videos and 480p for PC and tablet videos, Also have HD videos from some sponsors that have HD video at 720p ( the best solution that i found from porn sites )

Xhamster use flv for PC and mp4 baseline profile for mobile videos and tablet. ( low quality on tablet video )

alphaporn use 360p for mobile and desktop site. ( mobile videos do not play for all mobiles and the video quality is not so good.)

But now youtube will have 4K with VP9 streaming videos and it says that have the half filesize than h264 with the same quality. more info :

I think making a converting system as pornhubnetwork will be the best idea at the moment.

Last edited by Eri (2014-01-07 15:08:13)

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#7 2014-01-07 15:10:04

Registered: 2011-03-18
Posts: 977

Re: mobile site ipad iphone

Adrian i have send you a lot of emails but no response sad

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#8 2014-01-07 18:31:58

Registered: 2012-08-01
Posts: 189

Re: mobile site ipad iphone

Eri wrote:

But now youtube will have 4K with VP9 streaming videos and it says that have the half filesize than h264 with the same quality.

Webm is not what h264 is. It's not as good as h264, especially for high motion videos. Not enough params to control for encoding, encodes up to 30% slower, eats more CPU when decoding, especially on mobile devices.  Not playing with flash player. Not playing with all html5 browsers and devices. Youtube mostly play h264 in fact.
It's all about money. Google must pay a lot for h264 license. Interesting situation will be when HEVC (h265) will be released. It announce up to 50% better compression. Surely encodeing will take much more time, will require more CPU. Hard to say how it will be with decoding. Anyway it's a long way before such codec will be officially supported by browsers, devices.

Last edited by Nuevolab (2014-01-08 00:42:19)


#9 2014-01-08 07:57:51

Registered: 2010-08-23
Posts: 7,501

Re: mobile site ipad iphone

@Eri: checking now. sorry for my delay. next version will have the option to select what resultions you want for your videos and also web and theora (if enabled).

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#10 2014-01-09 09:18:56

Registered: 2011-03-18
Posts: 977

Re: mobile site ipad iphone

This looks interesting

HOWTO: losslessly convert FLV to MP4 in Linux … p4-in.html

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#11 2014-01-09 14:10:26

Registered: 2010-08-23
Posts: 7,501

Re: mobile site ipad iphone

Thats actually for a h264 + aac in a flv container to h264 + aac without the flv container (which works on mobile phones). Your flvs are vp6 + mp3. I will try though, maybe i'm missing something.

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