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Pages: 1
only importing one at a time before quitting...can you please post a fix for this? I am trying to import some embed dumps today..bangbros,oyeachicks and have tried those two and several others and none going past one.
your $counter is not getting incremented for whatever reason...
I do not think that whole block is being executed...going to investigate further, but count is 0...never got incremented
if ($ignore === 1) {
if (!isset($list[$count]['flv']) OR empty($list[$count]['flv']) OR
!isset($list[$count]['title']) OR empty($list[$count]['title'])) {
if (($method == 'flv' OR $method == 'hotlink') AND !isset($list[$count]['flv'])) {
$error = 'Import method set to FLV Source (or FLV Hotlink) and flv source url not present in the CSV file!';
if ($thumb_method == 'generate' && !isset($list[$count]['flv'])) {
$error = 'Thumb method set to Generate and FLV Source URL not present in the CSV file!';
if ($method == 'embed' && !isset($list[$count]['embed'])) {
$error = 'Import method set to Embed and embed code not found in the CSV file!';
echo $count;
if ($error) {
$errors[] = $error;
for whatever reason your count is never incremented so the counter is stuck on 0 and only taking the 0 element of the $row array... for a temp fix I am incrementing count right after you call VArray::combine($ordering,row) and stick that inside of $list[$count]...
I've never been one to debug php code with an actual debugger so I wouldn't know where to start.. i can pick a syntax error from the cli or a 500 error from the apache logs...outside of that, this is a logic error and I'd need a debugger to step through it... I can't see it in putty, i've spent a little time this morning walking through the code and putting echos in.. also I added a check for tags that are seperated with ; instead of , to the get_tags function
private function get_tags($title, $tags='')
if ($tags != '') {
$tags = str_replace(";",",",$tags);
return prepare_tags($tags);
$title = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9 ]+/', ' ', trim($title));
$title = preg_replace('/\s\s+/', ' ', $title);
$tags = array();
$array = explode(' ', $title);
foreach ($array as $string) {
if (strlen($string) >= 4) {
$tags[] = $string;
return implode(',', $tags);
have fun...its the counter though..
Query: INSERT INTO video_csv_imported SET unique_id = '194bcd426d5b86ef81b01297daad13b7', video_id = 31973
Error Message: Duplicate entry '31973' for key 'video_id'
Error Number: 1062
this gets tossed on dupes...
I will also debug this.
Adult Scripts: Adult Script Pro - Adult Search Script
Adult Advertising/Traffic: Plug Rush - EXOClick - PopAds
Lemme know if ya get it fixed, could really use a patch for this...
I got rid of that error, probably did it the wrong way, but I truncated the video_csv_imported table... I am bound to have some dupes now I am guessing.
Query: INSERT INTO video_csv_imported SET unique_id = '194bcd426d5b86ef81b01297daad13b7', video_id = 31973
Query: INSERT IGNORE INTO video_csv_imported SET unique_id = '194bcd426d5b86ef81b01297daad13b7', video_id = 31973
itll skip duplicate entries without error. used to use insert ignore when filtering large email lists.
The video_id should never be a duplicate (its generated for every video when its added, and its auto incrementing, so i dont know how you got to have a duplicate). Please email the CSV so i can also test.
Adult Scripts: Adult Script Pro - Adult Search Script
Adult Advertising/Traffic: Plug Rush - EXOClick - PopAds
I have the same problem in 1.0.8 version how i can fix that?
Use the IGNORE for the mysql query. There shouldnt be any duplicates (for some reason its adding 2 entries for a video, which should never happen). I was not able to reproduce this. If you want you can me the CSV and i can test.
Adult Scripts: Adult Script Pro - Adult Search Script
Adult Advertising/Traffic: Plug Rush - EXOClick - PopAds
Pages: 1