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#1 2014-07-16 01:02:12

Registered: 2014-05-15
Posts: 193

Tried customizing filter but broke the script


I was wondering if someone can please fix this script up for me.

<?php defined('_VALID') or die('Restricted Access!'); ?>
	<div id="page">
		<div id="left" class="width-200">
			<div class="content-box">
				<div class="content-box-title"><?php echo __('top-10'); ?></div>
				<div class="content">
					<?php if ($this->popular): ?>
					<ul class="links">
					<?php foreach ($this->popular as $model):
						echo '<li><a href="',RELATIVE_URL,'/pornstar/',$model['slug'],'/" title="View ',e($model['name']),' bio!">',e($model['name']),'</a></li>';
					endforeach; ?>
					<?php else: ?>
					<div class="none"><?php echo __('no-popular'); ?></div>
					<?php endif; ?>
			<?php echo p('adv', 'pornstar-browse-left'); ?>
		<div id="right" class="width-760">
			<div class="content-box">
				<div class="content">
					<div id="pornstar-nav">
							<li class="legend"><?php echo __('browse-title'); ?>:</li>
							<li><a href="<?php echo RELATIVE_URL; ?>/pornstar/"<?php if ($this->letter == 'all'): echo ' class="active"'; endif; ?> title="<?php echo __('all-help'),'">',__('all'); ?></a></li>
							<?php foreach ($this->letters as $letter): ?>
							<li><a href="<?php echo build_url('', 1, $letter); ?>"<?php if ($this->letter == $letter): echo ' class="active"'; endif; echo ' title="',__('letter-help', array($letter)),'">',strtoupper($letter); ?></a></li>
							<?php endforeach; ?>
					<div class="clear"></div>
			<div class="content-box">
				<div class="content-box-title-left"><?php echo strtoupper($this->title); ?></div>
                                <div id="menu-pornstar">
	<ul id="menuTop" class="level1">
            <li><span class="heading"><?php echo __('recent'); ?><!--<span class="arrowFilters"></span>--></span>
			<ul class="dropdown d1">
				<li><a href="<?php echo build_url('recent', 1, $this->letter),'"'; if ($this->order == 'recent'): echo ' class="active"'; endif; echo '>',__('recent'); ?></a> </li><!-- &middot; -->
                                                   <li><a href="<?php echo build_url('popular', 1, $this->letter),'"'; if ($this->order == 'popular'): echo ' class="active"'; endif; echo '>',__('popular'); ?></a> </li>
						<li><a href="<?php echo build_url('favorites', 1, $this->letter),'"'; if ($this->order == 'favorites'): echo ' class="active"'; endif; echo '>',__('most-favorites'); ?></a> </li>
						<li><a href="<?php echo build_url('rated', 1, $this->letter),'"'; if ($this->order == 'rated'): echo ' class="active"'; endif; echo '>',__('top-rated'); ?></a> </li>
						<li><a href="<?php echo build_url('discussed', 1, $this->letter),'"'; if ($this->order == 'discussed'): echo ' class="active"'; endif; echo '>',__('most-discussed'); ?></a></li> 
						<li><a href="<?php echo build_url('name', 1, $this->letter),'"'; if ($this->order == 'name'): echo ' class="active"'; endif; echo '>',__('alphabetically'); ?></a></li>
				<a href="<?php echo RELATIVE_URL; ?>/pornstar/rss/<?php echo $this->order; ?>/" class="rss"><img src="<?php echo TPL_REL; ?>/images/feed.png" alt="RSS Feed" border="0" /></a>
				<div class="content clear">
					<div class="content-menu">
                                               <!-- <ul class="onclick-menu-content">
                                                <li><a href="<?php echo build_url('recent', 1, $this->letter),'"'; if ($this->order == 'recent'): echo ' class="active"'; endif; echo '>',__('recent'); ?></a> </li> &middot; 
                                                   <li><a href="<?php echo build_url('popular', 1, $this->letter),'"'; if ($this->order == 'popular'): echo ' class="active"'; endif; echo '>',__('popular'); ?></a> </li>
						<li><a href="<?php echo build_url('favorites', 1, $this->letter),'"'; if ($this->order == 'favorites'): echo ' class="active"'; endif; echo '>',__('most-favorites'); ?></a> </li>
						<li><a href="<?php echo build_url('rated', 1, $this->letter),'"'; if ($this->order == 'rated'): echo ' class="active"'; endif; echo '>',__('top-rated'); ?></a> </li>
						<li><a href="<?php echo build_url('discussed', 1, $this->letter),'"'; if ($this->order == 'discussed'): echo ' class="active"'; endif; echo '>',__('most-discussed'); ?></a></li> 
						<li><a href="<?php echo build_url('name', 1, $this->letter),'"'; if ($this->order == 'name'): echo ' class="active"'; endif; echo '>',__('alphabetically'); ?></a></li>
                                                </ul> -->
					<?php if ($this->models): ?>
					<div class="content-info">
						<?php echo __('showing'),' <span>',$this->pagination['start_item'],'</span> ',__('to'),' <span>',$this->pagination['end_item'],'</span> ',__('of'),' <span>',$this->pagination['total_items'],'</span> ',__('pstars'); ?>!
					<?php foreach ($this->models as $model): ?>
					<div id="pornstar-<?php echo $model['model_id']; ?>" class="pornstar">
						<a href="<?php echo RELATIVE_URL; ?>/pornstar/<?php echo $model['slug']; ?>/" title="View <?php echo e($model['name']); ?> bio!"><?php echo e($model['name']); ?></a><br />
						<a href="<?php echo RELATIVE_URL; ?>/pornstar/<?php echo $model['slug']; ?>/"><img src="<?php echo MODEL_URL,'/',$model['model_id'],'.',$model['ext']; ?>" alt="<?php echo e($model['name']); ?>" /></a>
						<span class="left"><?php echo __('videos'); ?>:</span>
						<span class="right"><?php echo $model['total_videos']; ?></span>
						<span class="left clear"><?php echo __('watches'); ?>:</span>
						<span class="right"><?php echo $model['total_views']; ?></span>
						<div class="clear"></div>
					<?php endforeach; ?>
					<div class="clear-left"></div>
					<?php echo p('adv', 'pornstar-browse-bottom'); ?>
					<div class="pagination"><ul><?php echo p('pagination', $this->pagination, build_url($this->order, true, $this->letter)); ?></ul></div>
					<?php else: ?>
					<div class="none"><?php echo __('no-pornstars'); ?></div>
					<?php endif; ?>
		<div class="clear"></div>
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    border-right: 5px solid transparent;
    border-top: 5px solid #ec53e3;
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That's what I currently have in pornstar_browse.tpl.php. Link to website:

Problem: If I select a filter option from the dropdown, it doesn't provide the new results.


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