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You are not logged in.
If you do not have the upload permissions then instead of providing an error, on the index page it says "You are already logged in".
Example: If only admins can upload videos and if a registered member goes on then it will force them to the index/frontpage with a alert message in green saying "You are already logged in" instead of saying "You can not access this page" or "You do not have the permission(s) to access this page".
Hmm...thats how it should work. Please describe what you are doing exactly.
Adult Scripts: Adult Script Pro - Adult Search Script
Adult Advertising/Traffic: Plug Rush - EXOClick - PopAds
Step 1
Go to ACP>Video Config>Upload
Change the upload permission from "All" or "Registered" to "Admin".
Step 2
Log in to the website from an account of which the group is Registered or anything below "Admin".
Step 3
Go to or click on the upload option then you would notice that you are immediately directed to the index page with a new alert saying "You are already logged in"
clear cache
Brutal Porn Videos -
Peliculas Online - PepeCine
Filme Online Romana - Filme5
Step 1
Go to ACP>Video Config>UploadChange the upload permission from "All" or "Registered" to "Admin".
Step 2
Log in to the website from an account of which the group is Registered or anything below "Admin".
Step 3
Go to or click on the upload option then you would notice that you are immediately directed to the index page with a new alert saying "You are already logged in"
You need to log out as admin on the acp. If you don´t your as admin on the frontend too.
Has nothing to do with clearing cache. I confirmed this bug on Firefox and I have personally manually configured Firefox. Plus I even tried earlier clearing the cache, didn't help.
When you log out as Admin from the backend, you get logged out on the frontend too. But this bug I'm speaking of was tried on various ASP sites where I newly signed up and went straight to the upload page and got that message. After speaking to the webmasters, they said they only Premium or above are allowed to upload while my accounts status was registered.
I have just tested and i cannot reproduce this bug.
Adult Scripts: Adult Script Pro - Adult Search Script
Adult Advertising/Traffic: Plug Rush - EXOClick - PopAds
I have just tested and i cannot reproduce this bug.
Change upload permission from "Registered" to "Moderator" then try accessing
Ahh now i the Already logged in message! Will fix in 1.0.11.
Adult Scripts: Adult Script Pro - Adult Search Script
Adult Advertising/Traffic: Plug Rush - EXOClick - PopAds
Fixed in 1.0.11.
Adult Scripts: Adult Script Pro - Adult Search Script
Adult Advertising/Traffic: Plug Rush - EXOClick - PopAds