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#1 2015-05-04 06:45:30

Registered: 2014-04-12
Posts: 17

Photo Scheduler


Is it possiible to create a schedule for photo albums that will release Photo albums slowly during the course of the day or does it already exist. I have attempted to do this by

1. Create the Cron script "photo_schedule" in Admin>>Tools>Cron Scripts
2. In the database, duplicated the "video_shedule" table and named the new table "photo_shedule"
    a. removed the contents of the new table
    b. renamed the "video_id" field to "photo_id"
3. Creatoing the php named "photo_shedule.php" and uploaded it to "/public_html/cron/scripts"

defined('_VALID') or die('Restricted Access!');
function cron_photo_shedule()
	update_script('photo_shedule', TRUE, FALSE);

	file_put_contents('/tmp/shedule.txt', 'x');

	$db = VF::factory('database');
	$db->query("SELECT photo_id
          		FROM #__photo_shedule
          		WHERE shedule_date = '".date('Y-m-d')."'");
	if ($db->affected_rows()) {
		$rows	= $db->fetch_rows();
		foreach ($rows as $video) {
			$photo_id = (int) $photo['photo_id'];
			$db->query("UPDATE #__photo
		          		SET status = 1
		          		WHERE photo_id = ".$photo_id."
		          		LIMIT 1");
			if ($db->affected_rows()) {
				$db->query("DELETE FROM #__photo_shedule
			          		WHERE photo_id = ".$photo_id."
			          		LIMIT 1");
	update_script('photo_shedule', FALSE, TRUE);

Is there a step I missed or is this not possible?



#2 2015-05-05 04:59:03

Registered: 2010-08-23
Posts: 7,501

Re: Photo Scheduler

Add the cron script in Admin -> Tools -> Cron Scripts.

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