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Hi, my site in chinese language don't show related videos, is it posible to get it work?
related.php is:
$related = (VCfg::get('video.related_method') == 'simple')
? $this->get_related_simple($video_id, $video['title'], $page)
: $this->get_related_complex($video_id, $video['tags'], $page);
$this->tpl->menu = 'video';
$this->tpl->meta_title = __('related-meta-title', array(e($video['title'])));
$this->tpl->meta_desc = __('related-meta-desc', array(e($video['title']), $page, $this->tpl->cfg['site_name']));
$this->tpl->meta_keys = $video['tags'];
$this->tpl->video = $video;
$this->tpl->related = $related['videos'];
$this->tpl->pagination = $related['pagination'];
$this->tpl->load(array('header', 'video_browse', 'footer'));
private function get_related_simple($video_id, $title, $page)
$title = $this->db->escape($title);
$sql_count = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS total_related
FROM #__video AS v
WHERE MATCH (v.title) AGAINST ('".$title."')
AND v.status = 1";
$total_videos = $this->db->get_field($sql_count, 'total_related');
$pagination = VPagination::get($page, $total_videos, VCfg::get('video.browse_per_page'));
$sql = "SELECT v.video_id, v.title, v.slug, v.rating, v.rated_by, v.duration, v.thumb, v.type,
v.thumbs, v.total_views, v.add_time, v.ext, v.hd, v.premium, u.username,
MATCH (v.title) AGAINST ('".$title."') AS relevance
FROM #__video AS v
LEFT JOIN #__user AS u ON (u.user_id = v.user_id)
WHERE MATCH (v.title) AGAINST ('".$title."')
AND v.status = 1
AND v.video_id != ".$video_id."
ORDER BY relevance DESC
LIMIT ".$pagination['limit'];
return array(
'videos' => $this->db->get_rows($sql),
'pagination' => $pagination
thats because mysql fulltext for chinese requires special modifications: … characters
i recommend using sphinx
Adult Scripts: Adult Script Pro - Adult Search Script
Adult Advertising/Traffic: Plug Rush - EXOClick - PopAds
yes with sphinx will work, there are several sites in chinese running my script
Adult Scripts: Adult Script Pro - Adult Search Script
Adult Advertising/Traffic: Plug Rush - EXOClick - PopAds
Pages: 1