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The video_history table gets big on sites with a lot of traffic, so the following questions come to my mind:
1. Do any of you use the simple statistics about videos views in Admin -> Dashboard?
2. Do any of you think User -> Dashboard -> Recommended Videos is good?
3. How about if we keep statistics only for a day and then use a summary? (Admin -> Video -> Manage -> View -> Views wont work anymore)
Please let me know what you think! :-) About these questions...if you want to discuss about anything else please use the Open Discussion forum :PPPPP
Adult Scripts: Adult Script Pro - Adult Search Script
Adult Advertising/Traffic: Plug Rush - EXOClick - PopAds
1. i do not use it
2. Recommended Videos is good to make user to sing up
3. having video history for a day will make recommended videos work.
Having a cron to delete video history older than a day will make it work.
Yes. This is how i was thinking also. Anyone else?
Adult Scripts: Adult Script Pro - Adult Search Script
Adult Advertising/Traffic: Plug Rush - EXOClick - PopAds
I'm thinking that before deleting the video video views from "yesterday" i can just count them and then save in a new video_stats table (width day, month, year and total views). Do you think this is a good idea...or we should just delete the views, without saving any data?
Adult Scripts: Adult Script Pro - Adult Search Script
Adult Advertising/Traffic: Plug Rush - EXOClick - PopAds
Yeah...but i'm thinking that a few small stats would be good and i can get them without any database load. The video_history table will still be used, but the table will be cleaned every day (or 2 days, so basically only 2 days of entries will be kept, no recommended videos for users that didnt login in the past 2 days) and a new table video_stats (or something similar), that will keep count of each days video views (summary) and unique views.
Adult Scripts: Adult Script Pro - Adult Search Script
Adult Advertising/Traffic: Plug Rush - EXOClick - PopAds
Everything that saves resources without losing the quality of the front end is very welcome
Yeah...its only about the statistics in the backend....frontend is not modified.
Adult Scripts: Adult Script Pro - Adult Search Script
Adult Advertising/Traffic: Plug Rush - EXOClick - PopAds
I removed the video view statistics completly. Modified the video_history table and via cron only video_views for 7 days will be kept.
Adult Scripts: Adult Script Pro - Adult Search Script
Adult Advertising/Traffic: Plug Rush - EXOClick - PopAds
Top Viewed Video Make User To View The Video And If It Is Small Site Then Stats Will be Small .It Should Store Stats And Add It Up For Weeks Etc To Reduce Resources. Views After 7 Days Will Removed Then views Will Reduce To Video.
Pharmacy, wholesale prices - worldwide shipping.
Can We Make View History Less Means Like Simply Table That Count View History Like For 45000 Videos It Having More Then 200000 Queries. Can we Make Table Like Whenever Person Hit Video It Just Increase One Hit like from 278 To 279. Like Video Id And Count No. Table Only Not Big History for Month,Day,Week Etc.
Pharmacy, wholesale prices - worldwide shipping.
I will add a cron to count all hits and organize in unique / day, total / day and so on. Stats older than 7 days will be deleted.
Adult Scripts: Adult Script Pro - Adult Search Script
Adult Advertising/Traffic: Plug Rush - EXOClick - PopAds
I will add a cron to count all hits and organize in unique / day, total / day and so on. Stats older than 7 days will be deleted.
I Do Not Want to Delete 7 Days Older Count Means I Want to Count All Hits But Without Getting Database Heavy By Just Saving Counting of Hits Not The Other Things Like Unique Ip Or Days Hit Or Week It Will Make Database Heavy Or We Can Save Them in Some txt Or csv File To reduce Database load.
Pharmacy, wholesale prices - worldwide shipping.
Pages: 1