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Here's a small howto about menus in Adult Script Pro. Basically Adult Script Pro offers support for adding and editing
the menus directly from the Administration Panel.
How are menus organized:
* Name (identifier) - is the SLUG/identifier for the menu (can contain only a-z and dashes/underscores). It is used to identify the menu that is loaded by the script.
* Title - used for Administration Panel identification purposes only
* Status - active/suspended (active means menu will appear on the site, suspended means the menu will not appear on the site)
Each menu can have one or more Menu Links (which are actually the buttons/links in the menu). Menu Links have the following properties:
* Menu - the current link will be displayed in this menu
* Name - the actual Name/Text of the link (will be displayed in the menu)
* Title - will be displayed on mouse over
* Link/URL - the link/url for this menu entry (can be a absolute url,: /photo/recent/ or a full url:
* Type - can be Internal, which means the link is a internal link (pointing to a url on your domain, and you can use a absolute url in this case) or External, which can be any full URL.
* Target - can be Same Window/Tab or New Window/Tab
* Translation - a identifier to use for the translation if the Language is non-english (if the language is English, the Name of the menu entry will be used)
* Current - a identifier for the current page, if the current page identifier (every page in the script has one) is the same as the menu entry current identifier this link will be highlighted
A small FAQ about the menus:
Q: How do i add a menu entry to the Main Menu?
A: The current template does not have enough space for new menu entries, however if you disabe a few items (depending on what you want, the forum/premium links
can be disabled), you can add new menu entries from Admin -> Menu -> Add Menu Link
Q: How do i disable a menu entry/link?
A: From Admin -> Menu -> Manage -> Menu Links (icon) -> Edit -> Suspend
Q: How do i disable a menu entry/link and completly disable the support for the module related to the link?
A: Disable the menu link from Admin -> Menu -> Manage -> Menu Links (icon) -> Suspend (icon) and from Admin -> Extend -> Menu Manager -> Suspend (icon)
you can disable the related module.
Please let us know if you have any questions/sugestions (critics are also welcome).
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