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We are currently planning an offer with German actors from the amateur field.
For this purpose it is both a Pornstar dump and of course give the corresponding videos.
The Webmaster can be either read to all videos via RSS or per girl or niche.
The short videos will be released reff (30 sec - 90 sec)
The long videos (3,5 min - 1 h and more) can be for example be marketed - in the premium segment - with reff.
I need the specification of the read field of the ASP so that we can provide the required interface.
greatings <- 1000´s Videos upload per Day + Rewrite Titel and Description in many Languages
I dont understand what exactly you need. The database? OR?
Adult Scripts: Adult Script Pro - Adult Search Script
Adult Advertising/Traffic: Plug Rush - EXOClick - PopAds
I need four things:
a) Mass RSS import videos:
The fields that need an RSS feed to read videos?
b) Mass CSV import video (embeded)
Which fields nessesary a CSV file to be read?
a) Pornstars RSS import:
Which fields are necessary to be able to read Pornstars?
b) Pornstar CSV import
Which fields are required to read a CSV file can be?
So looks like a source file would have.
We plan to provide these 4 files for ASP Webmaster.
regards <- 1000´s Videos upload per Day + Rewrite Titel and Description in many Languages
I think you are saying you want to add RSS feeds to the default install of ASPro so you can allow other webmasters to read your site, i.e. be a pornhub/redtube. Is this correct?
yes i want to offer this feeds :-)
I wil be a external soloution for many scripts - but want to start with ASP :-) <- 1000´s Videos upload per Day + Rewrite Titel and Description in many Languages
Well....i'm still confused. You want us to provide you with the database columns so that you can use them in the tools? Or? The script itself does not offer such tools.
Adult Scripts: Adult Script Pro - Adult Search Script
Adult Advertising/Traffic: Plug Rush - EXOClick - PopAds
As Per My Understanding he Want to Offer This Tools Like Other Affiliates To Promote Its Site.
Pharmacy, wholesale prices - worldwide shipping.
Symtab, right now the script does not offer this as I understand it (I may be wrong - your the dev).
What he wants is a RSS export feed that would allow other sites to import his data into their database for the videos and pornstars (export in CSV and RSS). He wants to use this script to setup a RedTube with all of those features, i.e. become a host and not a consumer as we all are.
German-Porn-Tube and did I get this right?
THS and Ful2Fun - you right
i setup a host - where German Amateurs can load up her/his Videos for Tubemarketing and Webmaster can register and take this Videos and the Pornstar Database into there Tubes.
Is a external solution - now i must write the export Tool for ASP and must know witsh Filds are must be there.
This Videos where first exclusiv for ASP-Webmaster and then step by step to other Scripts ...
;-) with one Script we want to start ... thinking ASP ist the right for it. <- 1000´s Videos upload per Day + Rewrite Titel and Description in many Languages
Well, it really depends on what you want to offer, but its going to come from the _video and _model tables and any dependent data you wish to include. I would say the best bet is to cruise through the data via phpMyAdmin and see what you want to offer. Anyway, here is the code for import on an ASP site. You would probably want to offer at a minimum these fields.
$this->db->query("INSERT INTO #__video
SET user_id = ".$user_id.",
title = '".$this->db->escape($values['title'])."',
slug = '".$this->db->escape($slug)."',
description = '".$this->db->escape($values['description'])."',
type = '".$this->db->escape($type)."',
embed_code = '".$this->db->escape($embed)."',
url = '".$this->db->escape($url)."',
sponsor = ".$sponsor.",
add_date = '".date('Y-m-d h:i:s')."',
add_time = ".time().",
premium = '".$premium."',
status = 5");
$this->db->query("INSERT INTO #__video_category
SET video_id = ".$video_id.",
cat_id = ".$cat_id);
$this->db->query("INSERT INTO #__video_tags
SET video_id = ".$video_id.",
name = '".$this->db->escape($tag)."'");
$this->db->query("INSERT INTO #__model_videos
SET model_id = ".$model_id.",
video_id = ".$video_id);
Don't forget your path to the thumbs.
ths - thanks! <- 1000´s Videos upload per Day + Rewrite Titel and Description in many Languages
You might find this useful:
$db->query("SELECT v.video_id, v.title, v.slug, v.duration, v.thumb, v.thumbs, u.username,
FROM #__video AS v
LEFT JOIN #__video_category AS vc ON (vc.video_id = v.video_id)
LEFT JOIN #__video_categories AS c ON (c.cat_id = vc.cat_id)
LEFT JOIN #__video_tags AS t ON (t.video_id = v.video_id)
LEFT JOIN #__model_videos AS mv ON (mv.video_id = v.video_id)
LEFT JOIN #__model AS m ON (m.model_id = mv.model_id)
LEFT JOIN #__user AS u ON (u.user_id = v.user_id AND u.status = '1')
WHERE v.embed_code = ''
AND v.status = 1
GROUP BY v.video_id".$LIMIT);
Adult Scripts: Adult Script Pro - Adult Search Script
Adult Advertising/Traffic: Plug Rush - EXOClick - PopAds