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Pages: 1
Web Server Access to directories
The /sitemaps, /media/banners, /media/users, /media/users/orig, /media/videos/flv, /media/videos/mp4, /media/videos/cat, /media/videos/tmb, /media/videos/vid, /media/photos, /media/photos/orig, /media/photos/thumbs, /media/pornstars, /media/videos/mobile directories must be writable by the web server!
My host suggest - We highly recommend to *not* chmod those folders to 777 as that will surely
create security issues. You can consider using suphp for your apache and php
instead and use 755 for the permissions.
To chmod the directory and all the files in it, you can issue the following
command: 'chmod -R 777 /directory'. Just replace the directory with whatever you
want. You can run this as root.
What shall I do ?
If you are using suphp, then 755.
I am not using suphp ... will there be a security issue if I change the permissions to 777
Last edited by pvh (2012-04-12 03:19:22)
That is as wide open as you can run it so yes the risk is there. Now has adrian done a good job with the htaccess files and everything else, I would say yes so you are very safe and would feel comfortable doing a 777. Suphp is just one extra layer of security in case there was a mistake in the script.
You dont need to chmod all files, only the directories. The script does not check if the folders are 777, the script checks if the folders are writable by the user that runs the current apache/php process. So if you run suphp, you need to chmod them to 755 and if you run mod_php/cgi/fcgi, without any other separation mechanisms, you need to chmod them to 777.
Adult Scripts: Adult Script Pro - Adult Search Script
Adult Advertising/Traffic: Plug Rush - EXOClick - PopAds
Does the /video folder need to be 777?
No. Only the folders in the /media/videos folder.
Adult Scripts: Adult Script Pro - Adult Search Script
Adult Advertising/Traffic: Plug Rush - EXOClick - PopAds
Pages: 1