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Hello Everybody,
My MYSQL Is 170Mb And It Is Crashing Every Minute. I Noticed That My Site Have No User Visits I Thought Its Ok Its Normal Some Time But When I Checked My Site Not Working Because Of Crashing Of Video MYSQL And Then I Repaired IT Crashed Again With Video History.What Should I To Stop Happening This And Loose My Money And Visitors.
Pharmacy, wholesale prices - worldwide shipping.
Mine was a ram issue. My DB is over 400 MB and the box has 3GB ram. I have had over 100 users at one time without issue.
can you be more specific like posting the .err log from mysql? a crash is a crash, a corruption is a corruption. we need to know exactly
Last edited by ionut (2012-04-12 21:09:51)
The mysql database size can be reduced stubstantially if you dont want statistics. In 1.0 you have the option to keep statistics (for video views, photo views, adv clicks...) or not.
Adult Scripts: Adult Script Pro - Adult Search Script
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The mysql database size can be reduced stubstantially if you dont want statistics. In 1.0 you have the option to keep statistics (for video views, photo views, adv clicks...) or not.
Site Stats Does Not matter For Me But It Should Show Views To Users And Its Not Crashed Like That Way. It Showing That Table Is In Use But Actually It Got Crashed. So What The Reason It Crashed Basically i Want To Know It Showing That Time This Table Is In Use But Site Was Not Accessible Due To Database Error.
Pharmacy, wholesale prices - worldwide shipping.
There can be many reasons for a database table to become corrupt. From database design to hard drive problems to network problems.
Adult Scripts: Adult Script Pro - Adult Search Script
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I Tried To See It When I Optimized Through Phpmyadmin It Shows It Got Corrupted And In Use And Then I Repair It It Get Corrected Again. So We Should Find Why Its Happening We Do not get Any Error Msg Also through VPS Also So Its Something With Script And We Should Try to Add Some Function Which Can Inform us That Our Site Is Down Due To Some Reason And So We Can Check It What Is The Problem.
Pharmacy, wholesale prices - worldwide shipping.
It is not easy to find why the database is crashing, there are servers where the database tables never crash and there are servers where it crashes. Usually the video_history table crashes, because this table is very used and a lot of dynamic data is stored, however this is reduced in 1.0 so this shouldnt happen anymore.
Adult Scripts: Adult Script Pro - Adult Search Script
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Ok Then I Wait for It And Till then I Repair If It happens Again........
Pharmacy, wholesale prices - worldwide shipping.
Mines crash when visitors reach close to 245... the site stop loading but i can access root so i reboot. Why does it crash when it's only 245 user online? i have 8GB memory.
Disable Views statistics in Admin -> Video -> Config -> Advanced.
Adult Scripts: Adult Script Pro - Adult Search Script
Adult Advertising/Traffic: Plug Rush - EXOClick - PopAds
Disable Views statistics in Admin -> Video -> Config -> Advanced.
Track views was already set to "no".
Then no idea. It works for people with 500-1000 visitors online at the same time. Maybe some setting is not correct on your server.
Adult Scripts: Adult Script Pro - Adult Search Script
Adult Advertising/Traffic: Plug Rush - EXOClick - PopAds
Yeah, ima have to look around for a pro to optimize my server.
Yes. Its the right decission. Hire someone that knows what he's doing.
Adult Scripts: Adult Script Pro - Adult Search Script
Adult Advertising/Traffic: Plug Rush - EXOClick - PopAds
Make sure you create a my.cnf file for mysql. In the my.cnf file you can increase / decrease various options for mysql. The default values for mysql are low - my opinion. You might be running into the max number of connections for mysql. So, you might need to increase that number.
In the php.ini you might want to set mysql.allow_persistent = on.
I posted a thread on adding a my.cnf in one of these forums.
Though, I've had to stop developing ASP for the moment, to work on another script I'm developing, I've switched over to all INNODB. I'm using the newest version of mysql 5.6.7 rc1 and everything is running great.
One important item I would like to note: Those of you running cPanel - make sure you are using Host Access Control. I had a hacker into my server in about a month. If you aren't securing your server then there might be other processes going on that will stop the server when it's under a heavy load.
If anyone needs help optimizing their server, just let me know and I can take a look.
I've also played with InnoDB, however there is no MATCH AGAINST. Do you know any solutions for that (we use sphinx, but not everyone can use sphinx (on shared hosting for example)).
Adult Scripts: Adult Script Pro - Adult Search Script
Adult Advertising/Traffic: Plug Rush - EXOClick - PopAds
I've also played with InnoDB, however there is no MATCH AGAINST. Do you know any solutions for that (we use sphinx, but not everyone can use sphinx (on shared hosting for example)).
FULLTEXT is available in INNODB as of 5.6... I'm using it in my script. Using mysql 5.6.7 rc-1 => not a single problem.
I sent you an e-mail.
Last edited by DuttyRock (2012-10-13 01:17:57)
We might switch then also, although a combination of both InnoDB and MyISM would be ideal. I'll have to do some more research and testing.
Adult Scripts: Adult Script Pro - Adult Search Script
Adult Advertising/Traffic: Plug Rush - EXOClick - PopAds
We might switch then also, although a combination of both InnoDB and MyISM would be ideal. I'll have to do some more research and testing.
You have some time. 5.6 hasn't been released yet, but you can download it and install it to test things out.
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