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Pages: 1
Every now and then I keep getting this error in my admin section but I'm not sure if it's actually loading on any of my pages...
ErrorException [ 32 ]: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/' - cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory ~ Unknown [ 0 ]
I have ffmpeg installed and libavformat. Wondering if there is a way to turn that off or a file I can check somewhere to see if it is enabled and shouldn't be?
Would it be bad if I took the entry out of php.ini to try and see if the error would stop? Would that stop ffmpeg from working with the script?
Our script does not require the ffmpeg-php extension to work. Only the ffmpeg binary is required. You can remove the extension from php.ini.
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that didn't do it. I commented out the from my php.ini file and restarted apache but am still getting the same error message.
Did you do a restart, or a shutdown and start ?
Try to Stop and then Start again, NOT restart.
Second: Stop apache and look if a php process is still running.
Killall php5-cgi for example.
Had the same issue until i saw that a php process was still running when i stopped lighty.
If a process is still running, the php cfg won't be updated.
Last edited by Coscast (2011-03-13 15:34:32)
it worked. thanks for the help!
Pages: 1