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#1 Bug Reports » issue » 2020-03-20 19:26:20

Replies: 0

Hey adrian...i have again same issue with my graber.
mass add not working

#2 Modifications » webmaster "tool" to share your videos v3 » 2019-11-08 10:26:27

Replies: 0

i have create based on andrian code of course some extra tools that may help to get some extra traffic based on your video export.
most of tube site give option to download CSV videos, so i create a "tool"for that .

step 1

add export videos from admin->videos->Exports

step 2

add a content page for webmasters from admin->content->add
(we will come back to this later )

step 3
create on  your public_html a folder "webmasters"

step 4

create a file named "create_csv.php" , and replace with your URL

and add this code inside

define('_VALID', true);
require 'libraries/bootstrap.php';

function build_csv($videos, $fields, $method)
	$columns	= array_flip(explode(',', $fields));
	$filter		= VF::factory('filter');
$access_key	= (isset($_GET['key'])) ? $filter->get('key', 'STRING', 'GET') : '';
if ($access_key == '') {
	die('Invalid access key (1)!');

$emodel		= VModel::load('export', 'video');
if (!$export = $emodel->get($access_key)) {
	die('Invalid access key (2)!');
	$main_url = "";
	$output		= array();
	foreach ($videos as $video) {
		$video_id	= (int) $video['video_id'];
		$entry		= array();
		if (isset($columns['video_id'])) {
			$entry[$columns['video_id']] 	= $video_id;
		if (isset($columns['url'])) {
			$entry[$columns['url']]			= video_view_url($video_id, $video['slug']."/?utm_source=".$export['csource']."&utm_medium=".$export['cmedium']."&utm_campaign=".$export['cexport']."", null, false, true);
		if (isset($columns['title'])) {
			$entry[$columns['title']]		= $video['title'];

		if (isset($columns['description'])) {
			$entry[$columns['description']]	= $video['description'];

		if (isset($columns['categories'])) {
			$entry[$columns['categories']]	= $video['categories'];

		if (isset($columns['tags'])) {
			$entry[$columns['tags']]		= $video['tags'];

		if (isset($columns['duration'])) {
			$entry[$columns['duration']]	= (int) $video['duration'];

		if (isset($columns['add_date'])) {
			$entry[$columns['add_date']]	= date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $video['add_time']);

		if (isset($columns['thumb'])) {
			$entry[$columns['thumb']]		= $main_url .''. THUMB_URL.'/'.path($video['video_id']).'/'.$video['thumb'].'.jpg';

		if (isset($columns['thumbs'])) {
			$thumbs	= array();
			for ($thumb = 1; $thumb <= $video['thumbs']; $thumb++) {
				$thumbs[]					= $main_url .''. THUMB_URL.'/'.path($video['video_id']).'/'.$thumb.'.jpg';
			$entry[$columns['thumbs']]		= implode(',', $thumbs);

		if (isset($columns['embed'])) {
			$entry[$columns['embed']]		= ($video['embed_code'] != '') ? $video['embed_code'] : '<iframe src="'.BASE_URL.'/embed/'.$video_id.'/" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" border="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>';
		$output[]	= implode('|', $entry);
			$date = date("Y-m-d");
			$p =  implode("\n", $output);
			$p =  file_put_contents('webmasters/CSV_export-'.$date.'.csv',$p);
			  // output headers so that the file is downloaded rather than displayed
		  header("Content-type: text/csv");
		  header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename = ".$main_url."/webmasters/CSV_export-".$date.".csv");

$videos	= $emodel->videos($args);
if ($ext == 'xml') {
	$content	= build_xml($videos, $fields, $method);
} else {
	$content	= build_csv($videos, $fields, $method);

if ($export['cache_ttl'] > 0 and $timeline == 'all') {
	file_put_contents($cache_file, $content);

echo $content;


Now in your browser open URL :,title,categories,tags,thumbs,duration,embed

replace KEY with the key generated in step 1

Each time this URL run will save new CSV to webmaster folder

you can go to your content manage page in admin and add this url AS href and will download fresh CSV each time,title,categories,tags,thumbs,duration,embed


#3 Troubleshooting » lang edit issue » 2019-11-06 17:06:38

Replies: 1


when i am trying to edit lang took forever to load page.

#4 Bug Reports » model filters » 2019-10-06 23:11:39

Replies: 1

some of the filters not working

hair color
Has Piercings:
Has Tattoos

and in all when return to all is stay where is

#5 Bug Reports » ftp upload photo » 2019-10-04 23:40:27

Replies: 1

in ftp upload photo when adding model

                UPDATE model
                SET total_albums = total_albums+1
                WHERE model_id = ?
                LIMIT 1

                UPDATE model
                SET total_albums = total_albums+1
                WHERE model_id = ?
                LIMIT 1

MySQLi query has prepared entries, but no types or variables specified!

#6 Re: Bug Reports » [NOT A BUG] video hotlink bug » 2019-09-28 09:10:46

you configured my server.can you contect me pls to fix few issues?


#7 Re: Bug Reports » preview bug » 2019-09-28 09:08:58

most of the time is firefox problem.for example after click in empty space working

#8 Bug Reports » photo view problem » 2019-09-26 21:11:48

Replies: 1

photo view  is not reponsive.

#9 Bug Reports » [NOT A BUG] video hotlink bug » 2019-09-25 22:47:49

Replies: 3

video hotlink protection not working,
or without

video is playing

#10 Bug Reports » preview bug » 2019-09-25 22:28:23

Replies: 3

preview.mp4 is not load fast until rigth click on some thumb,after that preview work well.

#11 Re: Open Discussion » Google sends me 800% more traffic » 2018-04-04 07:44:16

yes....same here....500% more, but now my traffic drop but is better than before of course

#12 Re: Open Discussion » Abusive Experience Report » 2018-02-04 13:42:57

Yes.... It's show that 9 of February will update Chrome and they will not allow new tabs and pops ads etc. So we have to do something?

#13 Open Discussion » Abusive Experience Report » 2018-02-03 17:15:41

Replies: 3

what is that and what we have to do on our sites?
can someone to explain?


#14 Re: Troubleshooting » Xhamster updated their website » 2017-12-04 12:28:41

happylag wrote:


Xhamster updated their layout, so the graber isn't working anymore.

What code should i change?

Thank you.


if you get title error like i get

replace get_title() function with this code

private function get_title()
		preg_match('/title" itemprop="name">(.*?)<\/h1>/', $this->html, $match);
		if (isset($match['1']) && $match['1']) {
			return e(strip_tags(str_replace(' -', '', $match['1'])));
		$this->error = $this->errors['title_error'];

#15 Re: Troubleshooting » Advice about the Video conversion » 2017-11-27 08:56:28


am not sure if i understund of what you want to do...but you want to have for your all videos ONE  ? like one somepath/convert.php for all sites?

this need many modifications on script to do it and there is not logic reason to do it....

#16 Development » change views format » 2017-11-23 14:36:29

Replies: 3


with this change total views will show as 349,284,568 instent of 349284568

to add it just go to /templates/defboot/_video_list.tpl.php

and in line 27 change

echo $video['total_views']


echo number_format($video['total_views'])

thats is save and its done

#17 Feature Requests » suggestion for views count view » 2017-11-23 14:33:33

Replies: 1


it would be better to use number_format() for views, it become more readable and nicer i pornhub have
i add it to my celebs site and looks better. you can add it to v3?


#18 Re: Development » grabbers fix » 2017-11-08 13:26:10

PornHub fix


private function get_file()


 private function get_file()
        preg_match('/"quality":"720","videoUrl":"(.*?)"},/', $this->html, $match);
        if (isset($match['1']) && $match['1']) {
            return utf8_trim(stripslashes($match['1']));

        preg_match('/"quality":"480","videoUrl":"(.*?)"},/', $this->html, $match);
        if (isset($match['1']) && $match['1']) {
            return utf8_trim(stripslashes($match['1']));

        preg_match('/"quality":"360","videoUrl":"(.*?)"},/', $this->html, $match);
        if (isset($match['1']) && $match['1']) {
            return utf8_trim(stripslashes($match['1']));

        preg_match('/"quality":"240","videoUrl":"(.*?)"},/', $this->html, $match);
        if (isset($match['1']) && $match['1']) {
            return utf8_trim(stripslashes($match['1']));

        return FALSE;

#19 Re: Development » Adult Script Pro 3.0 Branch Development » 2017-10-11 16:21:44

when u change language and u click logo to go home page is return to default lang

#21 Re: Open Discussion » SSL Discussion » 2017-10-08 12:48:28

Ok thank you...thats what am going to  do then.....

what about new site? is good to go for ssl from begining?

#22 Re: Open Discussion » SSL Discussion » 2017-10-08 12:34:09

so your suggetion is to go for ssl or not?

#23 Open Discussion » SSL Discussion » 2017-10-04 16:02:02

Replies: 5

Hey guys

i see on my server panel thats i can with one click add SSL to my site via Lets Encrypt ( its free )
i have read in SEO related articles thats google love ssl on sites.....but i have read also thats many sites have lost traffic after changing to https

so what is your opinion? or anyone have change to https?

#24 Re: Troubleshooting » Graber not working » 2017-10-04 12:16:45

Do this i just test it and work for me

replace this

  private function get_file()
  		preg_match("/file: '(.*?)',/", $this->html, $match);
  		if (isset($match['1'])) {
  			return $match['1'];
  		preg_match('/type=\'video\/mp4\' file="(.*?)"/', $this->html, $match);
  		if (isset($match['1'])) {
  			return $match['1'];
        $server = null;
        preg_match('/srv=(.*?)\&/', $this->html, $match);
        if (isset($match['1']) && $match['1']) {
            $server = urldecode($match['1']).'/key=';

        preg_match('/file=(.*?)&/', $this->html, $match);
        if (isset($match['1']) && $match['1']) {
            if (strpos($match['1'], 'http://') !== false) {
                $server = null;

            return $server.urldecode($match['1']).'.mp4';

        return FALSE;

with this

private function get_file()
		preg_match('/"sources":{"mp4":[{"url":"(.*?)"isHD":true},/', $this->html, $match);
		if (!isset($match['1']) or !$match['1']) {
			preg_match('/{"url":"(.*?)"480p"},/', $this->html, $match);
			if (!isset($match['1']) or !$match['1']) {
				preg_match('/{"url":"(.*?)":"240p"}]}/', $this->html, $match);
		$replace = "\\";
		if (isset($match['1']) && $match['1']) {		
			return str_replace($replace,'',$match['1']);

		$this->error = $this->errors['file_error'];

#25 Re: Development » grabbers fix » 2017-09-21 17:07:56

K!ng wrote:

i copied your xHamster.php and got this message:

Tip!Invalid url! Supported sites: pornhub, redtube, empflix, tnaflix, porn2, pornative, xvideos, pornrabbit, keezmovies, madthumbs, yobt, sextube, slutload, tube8, pornerbros, manhub, deviantclip, xhamster, extremetube!

this is for grab videos ( source of mp4 ) to host videos not for embed videos.

thats error msg is from mass embed

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