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I checked all files and don't see strange things, thanks Adrian, email with order number sent. @thiva7 like Adrian said I don't care about google or seo, traffic come from directories and other things.
hi thiva7, can you please explain more. Where do you see that my site is redirect? Thanks
Looking at my webstats I found this:
IP Pages Hits Bandwidth Last visit 446,807 458,230 5.66 GB 08 Sep 2017 - 02:32 433,660 444,070 5.57 GB 08 Sep 2017 - 02:57
,, 4,007 4,007 45.82 MB 07 Sep 2017 - 01:44 2,499 3,604 58.58 MB 08 Sep 2017 - 03:16
I don't see strange things on my site, it seem running normally.
How can I check if site has been hacked?
What can I do to protect my site from this?
I was not using plugrush at all only adstera and exoclick.
I was looking at your Font code and see plugrush code at header.
I read some review at digitalforum of people that got banned from google for using adsterra.
You can ask for reconsideration again but forget to use popunders for a time.
You can try to move your site to another domain and redirect analtube to your new domain.
What site you got banned analtube4u?
Well unforunately google fucked me once more. It begun with some secret mobile redirect code which i never found. After disabling all my popunders I asked for recomnsidaration which was positive and my traffic went almost back for 5-6 days and suddenly 3 days ago droped again and my site is totally de-indexed from google.
Enough is enough with this bullshit. If anyone know any promising traffic buying service please share it here. I dont want to be rich but on the other hand i have spend the last 4 years on that site and i dont really like to clode it down.
ivatigoal redirect is for plugrush you have to manually disable it on your account/sell traffic/websites/yourdomain/ad behavior/ look at right Redirect mobile traffic if do not redirect is active.
Hi Double_D I use vestacp for all my servers and it's ok, easy to use and light.
Adrian and with sphinx will work?
Hi, my site in chinese language don't show related videos, is it posible to get it work?
related.php is:
$related = (VCfg::get('video.related_method') == 'simple')
? $this->get_related_simple($video_id, $video['title'], $page)
: $this->get_related_complex($video_id, $video['tags'], $page);
$this->tpl->menu = 'video';
$this->tpl->meta_title = __('related-meta-title', array(e($video['title'])));
$this->tpl->meta_desc = __('related-meta-desc', array(e($video['title']), $page, $this->tpl->cfg['site_name']));
$this->tpl->meta_keys = $video['tags'];
$this->tpl->video = $video;
$this->tpl->related = $related['videos'];
$this->tpl->pagination = $related['pagination'];
$this->tpl->load(array('header', 'video_browse', 'footer'));
private function get_related_simple($video_id, $title, $page)
$title = $this->db->escape($title);
$sql_count = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS total_related
FROM #__video AS v
WHERE MATCH (v.title) AGAINST ('".$title."')
AND v.status = 1";
$total_videos = $this->db->get_field($sql_count, 'total_related');
$pagination = VPagination::get($page, $total_videos, VCfg::get('video.browse_per_page'));
$sql = "SELECT v.video_id, v.title, v.slug, v.rating, v.rated_by, v.duration, v.thumb, v.type,
v.thumbs, v.total_views, v.add_time, v.ext, v.hd, v.premium, u.username,
MATCH (v.title) AGAINST ('".$title."') AS relevance
FROM #__video AS v
LEFT JOIN #__user AS u ON (u.user_id = v.user_id)
WHERE MATCH (v.title) AGAINST ('".$title."')
AND v.status = 1
AND v.video_id != ".$video_id."
ORDER BY relevance DESC
LIMIT ".$pagination['limit'];
return array(
'videos' => $this->db->get_rows($sql),
'pagination' => $pagination
category is working now
problem is with tag. i want to get video_tags name from db, example url for italian language http://website/tag/mature/ i want to link to spanish http://website/tag/madura/ db at video_tags i got nameit for italian and name for spanish
i think problem is getting $query for both languages at same time
I tried all day and didn't get work, where should I have to put select group_concat( as tags
$query = VUri::query();
$tag = (isset($query['1'])) ? $query['1'] : '';
$page = (isset($query['2'])) ? (int) $query['2'] : 1;
$url = 'tag/'.prepare_string($tag, true).'/';
if ($page !== 0 && $page !== 1) {
$url .= $page.'/';
if (!VUri::match($url)) {
VModule::load('404', TRUE);
$tag = str_replace('-', ' ', $tag);
$tag = utf8_strtolower($tag);
$sql_count = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS total_videos
FROM #__video_tags AS vt
WHERE vt.nameit = '".$this->db->escape($tag)."'";
$total_videos = $this->db->get_field($sql_count, 'total_videos');
$pagination = VPagination::get($page, $total_videos, $this->vcfg['tag_per_page']);
$sql = "SELECT v.video_id, v.titleit, v.slugit, v.title, v.slug, v.rating, v.rated_by, v.duration, v.thumb,
v.thumbs, v.total_views, v.add_time, v.ext, v.premium, u.username
FROM #__video_tags AS vt
INNER JOIN #__video AS v ON (v.video_id = vt.video_id AND v.status = 1)
LEFT JOIN #__user AS u ON (u.user_id = v.user_id)
WHERE vt.nameit = '".$this->db->escape($tag)."'
ORDER BY v.video_id DESC
LIMIT ".$pagination['limit'];
if (!$videos = $this->cache->get($sql, 86400)) {
if ($this->db->affected_rows()) {
$videos = $this->db->fetch_rows();
$this->cache->store($sql, $videos, 86400);
} else {
$videos = array();
Hi Adrian, so what I'm trying to do is get like a real multilanguage site with one database and 2 domains with their template at same server. I'm working for 2 languages now spanish and italian, I've added new columns at database for italian for example for video nameit descriptionit slugit and modified script and this part is working nice. Now the flag link go to the video of that language. The problem is with tag and category I tried linking tag and category with flag but is not working. How can i get nameit from video_tags and category nameit from categories?
Thanks spankmonkey i will do with separate database, my vps is not so powerfull.
Is it possible to use one database for 2 different domains on different servers?
Adrian if you can try to optimize template for better results on google pagespeed, like optimize css delivery.
Hola Adrian,
same problem than @sauce can't set spanish language as default.
Only Works if I delete english.
ups sorry I took
hi Adrian, please check footer links lot`s of them don't have </a>
Down to video share button embed code have no size width="" height=""></iframe>
You made the best adult script on the net good job.
Matt Cutts last 26 sept anounced on twitter new panda update 4.1 Other things from Google has reportedly taken action on sites participating in private blog networks, also known as PBNs. On September 18th, Google sent out widespread manual action notices via Google Webmaster Tools to these sites for “thin content” spam.
Site back in google too and no message from webmaster tool.
It's only my impresión but I was looking at some banned sites and all got the link powered by Adult Script Pro on some part of the web. In my case I forgot to cancel link on footer users profile.
Same here in Spain all sites with asp banned today. Maybe is the same occurred for scj script a couple of month ago when google banned all sites with scj.
Perfect thanks
Tag with one Word work perfet but with more words get a White space in url between words. How can I fix this? Thanks